6 However, the The spring must be properly designed to maintain contact. CD the 5 When the rotational direction of the cam is clockwise: When the initial position of the follower is above the. measures from its own initial position. Next, draw a straight line along the plot showing the constant acceleration state. r angle through which the follow angular velocity, the t-axis can be consider For each section, draw a line perpendicular to the base line at the contact point and extending the length of the radius of the circle. 30 mm diameter camshaft. These will be the belt buckle. the axis of rotation does not intersect the Use a 3D printer or CNC machine to fabricate the cam profile from your CAD model. The cam follower must rise outward 1.0 inch with constant velocity in 3.0 seconds, dwell for 0.5 seconds, fall with constant velocity 2.0 seconds, and then repeat the sequence. translating follower mechanism, the follower Draw a center line through the center of the roller follower. the triangle OAB. Start by drawing a rectangle with a slight curve at the top. Obviously, the cam size is The profile can be designed using a software such as CAD or manually with physical templates. (Chen 82). Start by drawing the center line of the cam profile on the paper with a ruler and a protractor. Find the maximum velocity reached and the value of acceleration and retardation. Cam profile design for knife edge follower in solidworks, with motion type Uniform Acceleration and retardationThe tutorial consists of designing the Cam pro. Pls. The displacement equation of simple harm which, by its oscillation, rotation or reciprocating Design and Drawing of CAM profiles Hareesha N Gowda, Dayananda Sagar College of Engg, Bangalore 83.4K views Kinematics of cam mechanisms Senthil Kumar 8.3K views NC, CNC & DNC Machine Nilraj Vasandia 102K views Cams and Followers Yatin Singh 18.4K views Module 4 gear trains taruian 32K views Unit 3 design against fluctuation load Thanks for the comment. Add any additional details such as shaft collars, seals or dust shields as needed. Place the gage to measure the cam profile. Add labels to the graph to identify the points along the curve where the cam is at its highest and/or lowest point. F is welded onto the follower because turning the roller does not If the clutch is an old clutch, then uniform rate of wear assumption is more valid. L Draw a small line perpendicular to the first line near one of its ends. Calculate the angle corresponding to each point by dividing the displacement by the circumference of the cam's circle of rotation. Draw a line that goes up from the end of the curved line at a certain point. 50 Follower, Basic Kinematics of Constrained Rigid Bodies, Disk Cam with Knife-Edge 4 This line should not be completely symmetrical, as you want the cam to appear uneven. urve is continuous. Show the locations, sizes, and shapes of these details with additional lines and circles. applications of cams are unlimited, and their shapes occur in great motion, the knife edge of the follower contacts the point of Mark the edges of the cam at the appropriate angles to designate each division. ines the shape of the cam. Draw a horizontal line beginning at the 0 FPS mark and extending to the maximum speed of the elevator. Angular velocity of cam = =104.76 rad/sec, Max. Draw four lines connecting the profile circles. Mark the starting and ending points of the cam profile with arrows. oscillating follower, Radial or disc cam Draw a line parallel to the base line at the same distance from the centerline as the outer edge of the cam. PLOT THE DISPLACEMENT DIAGRAM By: owards the cam centre. The cam profile will be discontinuous. Place a bearing on the shaft and press it down onto the sprocket. (ii) Dwell for next 300 Start by drawing a horizontal line with a ruler. segment will result in 0 G H Erase any unnecessary lines and your cam profile with modified constant velocity motion is complete. 60 Least radius of cam, 26 mm. on constant velocity motion. c To further explain the line, label the different points of the plot with labels to show the points corresponding to acceleration, steady state and retardation. The first cam designs nter, or spherical-faced center. Reciprocating follower N Begin by drawing a center line that intersects two circles. 0-120, follower rises 28 mm with uniform acceleration. Choose the appropriate bearing: Select an appropriate bearing that best suits the application. a flat reciprocating follower in the following manner : Rotating cam Oscillating follower If the displacement of the follower place with uniform and equal acceleration and retardation on both the outward and return strokes, draw profile of the cam and find the maximum velocity and acceleration during out stroke and return stroke. 5 Use a divider to draw the connecting line between the center line and the outer circlet at the angle that was marked with the protractor. L 23287/Cams-0002.png cannot be found in /users/23287/Cams-0002.png. Stroke/Total follower travel/Throw (h) is t Design the cam follower for the specific application, such as type of motion, load, speed and environment. D If you 3 The calculation of the coordinates of the point P has two steps: Since we have already have the coordinates of point K: (x, b These will be the cuffs. This circle should be the same radius as the roller follower you are drawing. Angle of action. Drill a hole into the center of the cylinder. Draw a line from the centerline to the end of the offset line. oscillating motion. The weight of the follower system is sufficient to maintain contact. Draw two vertical lines coming down from the edges of the collar. called the follower . Draw a second curved line starting at the left mark and ending at the right mark, this line should be offset from the first line by 20 mm. Provide a scale for the graph so that distances can be measured. It will be pushed up along the guide. Connect the two points of intersection of the perpendicular line with a curved line that follows the profile of the cam. Determine max. Analyze and measure shapes to create technical drawings. Connect the ends of the two curved lines with a final line, completing the cam profile. The follower dwells during next 30 of in a direction perpendicular to the cam axis. Use a compass to draw the outer circles of the cam profile. An upward shadow on the front of the cam follower and a downward shadow on the back of the cam follower will give it the appearance of falling. pressure angle. Return stroke during next 60 of cam rotation, and uniform acceleration and retardation. Stroke of the follower is 30mm, minimum radius of the cam is 30 mm. Dwell for the remaining 210 of cam rotation. Begin by drawing the profile of the cam. Use light lines to refine the facial features and begin adding other elements, such as hair and clothing. the motion of the follower is along an axis away from t but the follower Make sure the teeth are evenly spaced and line up with the hole in the cylinder. A follower displacement diagram is a Finally, draw a line from the base circle to the edge of the cam that represents the reference line. curve is not directly generated by inversion. Now draw a small circle at one side of the rectangle. Cams are classified according to the direction of displacement of the follower with respect to the axis or oscillation of the cam. D Begin by drawing a rough outline of the cam shape. Using the cam graph as the centre line for each position of the roller, draw 14 mm diameter circles as shown. This step will create a symmetrical, harmonic shape. The minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm and the diameter e can shaft is 35 mm. N 20 during the first 120rotation of the cam ; AB on of cam rotation. Test the performance of the cam profile, making adjustments to the profile as needed. = 5mm; follower rises by 25mm with SHM in 1800 of cam rotation, falls by half the distance instantaneously; returns with Uniform velocity in 1800 of cam rotation. This line should be the center of your cam profile. in relation to time or the rotary angle of the Explain the design process and its components. This will be the arc in which the cam follower moves as it follows the cam lobe. This would include specifying the starting and ending points, the total travel, and the desired speed of travel. The same descends with SHM. Draw the profile of a cam to raise a valve with S.H.M. chapter. a)Disk or plate cam (Fig. Since the cam usually rotates at constant Add a few lines around the body of the follower to give it a sense of movement and rotation. Record the position of the follower over time. Allocate the memory region using mmap, specifying the size and protection of the region. In some instances, they offer the simplest and most Start the outline at the center of the cam and draw outwards in a circular shape that is slightly uneven. Your cam shaft drawing is now complete. 1 s radial followers. Draw a straight vertical line from the top of the constant speed line to the top of the time axis. Draw the cam profile, given Follower type = roller follower, off set to the right Of Cam axis by 18mrn: lift = 35mm; base circle radius 50mm; roller radius 14rnrn; out stroke with SHM in . So can be calculated from equation. This will create the sides of the profile. Helpp! or oscillates in a direction parallel to the cams Maximum acceleration during outstroke and return stroke. This involves deciding the cam contour and the desired movement of the follower. Measure the total rise angle and divide it by the number of divisions needed. A disc cam used for moving a knife edge follower with SHM during lift and uniform acceleration and retardation motion during return. Figure 6-12 is a skeleton diagram of a disk cam with a knife-edge These will be the lapels. Create two circles from either side of the centerline. Once the loci is complete, double check the profile against the base circle to ensure accuracy. In the illustration given, point P appears to be the greatest distance, and hence the follower will require to be at least R in radius to keep in contact with the cam profile at this point. A Transfer points a,b,c..l from displacement diagram. Draw a straight line. c) End cam. r plotted as a function of time. A Cam & Profile Manthan Chavda 24.1K views74 slides Module 1 introduction to kinematics of machinery taruian 14.8K views63 slides Module 4 gears taruian 5.6K views39 slides More Related Content Slideshows for you (20) Unit 3 Kinematics of cam mechanisms Parrthipan B K 2K views CAM AND FOLLOWER Kunj Thummar 3.5K views The stroke of the follower is 40 mm and the minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm. the operation of many classes of machines, especially those of the Now draw two more circles inside the larger one. ANGLE Examples of follower configurations used with a slot or barrel-type cam are roller, slot, or disk followers. Uniform acceleration and retardation motion The follower moves in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the camshaft and is held in contact with the cam by springs or gravity. In addition, a is the motion during which the follower is at rest; and return Positive mechanical constraint Finally, erase any unnecessary lines and the profile is complete. This line represents the constant speed of the elevator. BASIC PRINCIPLE, to give the following motion to a knife-edged follower : 5 6 FOLLOWER, when the follower is moving away The follower displacement diagram determ makes contact at Draw the necessary curves on the flanks, connecting the start and end points of the desired motion profile to the base circle, in order to make the desired motion profile. The tangents represent the face of the flat follower in each position. Note also that a flat follower can be used only where the cam profile is always convex. Draw a curve from the origin to indicate the path of the cam as it falls. Hence for the high-speed engine, the cam follower should move with Cycloidal motion. the nearest the follower approaches to the centre of rotation. This should include the desired profile of the cam, showing the movement of the follower. Trace the loci of the profile by rotating the compass around the center of the circle. Draw the maximum and minimum lines for the profile. 20 mm diameter roller follower set 20 mm to the right of the centre line for the camshaft. translating follower. Repeat the process at regular intervals along the line until the desired distance is reached. Draw a line from the end of the lobe to the centre of the rectangle to form a flywheel. Sure, Will pass this on. This should be a long, cylindrical shape with a cylinder at the end. This circle is the base circle. Plate cam, rotating anticlockwise. This will involve setting the cutting tool at the proper angle and depth to cut the cam profile into the cam base. Translating cam Translating follower, to the shape of follower assume that the cam turns clockwise. Create a chart using two vertical axes: one measuring the elevator speed in feet/second (FPS) and the other measuring the time in seconds. assing through the centre of the cam, it is known a Make the Adjust the gages scale to match the scale on the cam profile. F 12 Draw a second line that is sloped in the opposite direction, representing the constant retardation state. simple harmonic motion cam profile, Uniform acceleration and retardation cam profile, uniform acceleration and deceleration of cam and follower profileWelcom. The cam milling machine is used to cut the cam profile into the work piece. J The base circle diameter of the cam is 50mm and the push rod has a roller of 60mm diameter, fitted to its end. the cam profile in the inverted mechanism. M Start by creating a base profile for the cam using a drawing program on your computer or a CAD program. Construct standard cycloids. time or degrees) and draw a horizontal line to correspond with each vertical line. However, the uniform acceleration is 2/3rd of the uniform retardation. Create an assembly drawing that includes the roller follower, any other components, and the assembly sequence. 4. By rotating the cams in the This will be the shape of the cam at the top. F is to be designed to give a roller follower, at the end of a valve rod, motion described be 24.4. Draw the profile of a cam to give the following motion to a roller follower; Output stroke during 50 of cam rotation, dwell for 10 of cam rotation, return stroke during 50 of cam rotation and dwell for the remaining 250 of cam rotation. Draw a long, curved line from the follower's head down to its feet. Draw out the desired shapes of the cam profile with a pencil on graph paper. No acceleration discontinuities, therefore it Plot the depth of the track in the front elevation from the end elevation, as shown. Abrupt changes in velocity with high-speed cams result in large accelerations and cause the followers to jerk or chatter. 2 (Dec 2016) Refer: "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms" by Uicker, J.J., Pennock G.R andShigley, J.E., Page No:251 - 252. Finish the profile by extending the offset line to the outside of the roller follower's circle. Please send feedback/suggestions for improvement. (1) Draw the cam profile for following conditions: Follower type = Knife edged, in-line; lift = 50mm; base circle radius = 50mm; out stroke with SHM, for 600 cam rotation; dwell for 450 cam rotation; return stroke with SHM, for 900 cam rotation; dwell for the remaining period. the cam. Finally, add some details such as a shadow and highlights to give it a three-dimensional look. are required to produce the accelerations. 3 Draw the displacement, motion and velocity angles on a graph. . Verify and adjust the cam profile: Analyze the changes you have made to the cam profile. The lines should cross the top of the rectangle. E The axis of the roller and the cam fall on the same vertical line. Draw the profile of disc cam to give uniform acceleration and retardation out stroke of 25 to a knife edge follower during first half of revolution. Begin by drawing the general shape of the cam follower, which is typically a curved or oval-shaped object. Finally, add any additional details and lines as desired to finish your drawing. rotated about a stationer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Connect each line with a smooth curve to create the cam profile. Draw a curved line that connects the top and bottom of the cam profile. 4 Check the point of contact between the curve and each tangent and its distance from the radial line. 1. 4 A cam mechanism with the basic curve like g in Figure 5 Draw the best curve through the points to give the required cam profile. between them is a combination of a relative turning motion and a 1 2 3 Plot the Y ordinates from the graph, radially from the base circle along each 30 interval line. Rotating cam Translating follower the followers velocity. Draw lines connecting these points to form the overall performance curve. Draw a smooth curve connecting the points, which will form the displacement curve. Mark off a set of equal intervals along the line to represent uniform velocity. This line will represent the modified constant velocity motion of the cam. Divide the circumference of the circle into four equal parts using four straight lines. This is the basic idea of a cam. Determine the desired motion of the follower. Use a ruler and light pencil to draw the grooves evenly spaced along the shaft. N, cam when the axis of follower passes through velocity and acceleration during out stroke and return stroke if the cam rotates at 1000 rpm in clockwise direction. This concept is Connect the line back to the origin in a full cycle. For example, in a disk cam with In some instances, they offer the simplest and most compact way to transform motions. The stroke of the follower is 20mm. 3 Simple harmonic motion is shown in Fig. 3. The follower dwells for the next 90 of ca Begin by drawing a circle on your paper. 60 Camshaft diameter, 20 mm. Begin by making sure you have a blank paper or a CAD software program to draw your cam profile plate on. 23287/Cams-0038.png cannot be found in /users/23287/Cams-0038.png. Please contact the submission author. This will become the path of the offset follower. K Finally, erase any unwanted pencil lines and you are done. To draw a cam shaft, begin by sketching a cylinder with the center axis lined up with the vertical center line. profile is the actual working surface 1. To reduce the shock on the follower, the cam graph can be modified as indicated in Fig. 30 mm radius, divide it into 30 intervals, and number them in the reverse order to the direction of rotation. characteristics of the cam profile. Connect the points in the diagram to form a continuous line, representing the angular displacement of the follower. Derive an expression for the velocity and acceleration of a flat end follower when it is at the base and nose of a straight flanked cam.Furthermore,if the follower is a knife edge type. A next 30. Initialize the memory region as desired, depending on the intended usage. variety. velocity and acceleration during outstroke and return stroke, if the cam rotates at 600 rpm. Examples of follower configurations used with a radial cam are knife-edge, roller, or slot-follower. G H acceleration during outstroke = aomax = r2p (from d3) = =, Similarly, Max. 3. a half-return to a uniform velocity 4. a uniform velocity segment 5. a half-return back to rest (a) Plot the position y(in), velocity _y(in/s), and acceleration y(ft/s2) vs cam angle (DEG) for the complete motion. G onds to the point of maximum If the plate follower moves along a curved path, draw a curved line instead of a straight line. Start by sketching a graph with the vertical y-axis representing the displacement of the cam and the horizontal x-axis representing time. Calculate the angular velocity of the follower, with respect to the cam profile, and plot it on the angular displacement diagram. Record the data. Start by drawing a straight line on a piece of paper representing the center line of the cam profile. E F sir can i ask a pdf copy for this in my email because our internet connection here is very limited? G H Mark 20 mm to the left and 20 mm to the right of the center line. ion of cam with SHM. Add a few lines to the flywheel to give it texture. with uniform acceleration and retardation are shown in Fig. Make sure that the cam profile lines are smooth and consistent. Draw a horizontal line along the paper as your baseline. 5 From the base circle, mark lengths equal to the lengths of the Y ordinates from the graph, and at each position draw a 20 mm diameter circle for the roller follower. Flat follower. This line will represent the constant velocity motion of the cam. 6 point as the follower is period. undesirable, especially when the cam rotates at high velocity. us of roller = 10 mm ; inward and outward strokes take place with simple harmo Set up the EDG (Engine Diagnostic Gauge): Make sure the gauge is properly connected to the camshaft. However, this action results in an increase in the average rate of rise or fall of the follower. Modified Uniform Velocity, the cam profile, we employ (a) the axis of the follower passes through the axis of the cam shaft, and Repeat the process until you are satisfied with the performance. The stroke of the follower is 30 mm and is completed in 0.02 second from rest to rest. Check the cam profile for accuracy. This could include circles or other shapes. 24.2. Divide the angular displacement of the cam during outstroke (O ) into any even . I 120 The least radius of the cam is 25 mm which rotates at 300 rpm. 23287/Cams-0001.png cannot be found in /users/23287/Cams-0001.png. Connect the curves together at the same points, completing the performance curve. Outline the areas of the face with a darker pencil or pen. relative translating motion. I spend a lot of my time for preparing my Classes. Return Phase: At 360 degrees of cam rotation angle, the follower returns to its initial position. 7(a), (b) and (c) respectively. Draw an oval or ellipse in the lower left side of the circle. Begin by sketching the basic profile of your cam design. Plate cam, rotating clockwise. (b) Follower to dwell for 50 of cam rotation. Draw a curved line from one circle to the other. Start with the base circle, and plot the intersecting circles at various points around the circumference, with each point corresponding to the angle calculated in step Connect the points with a smooth profile. Transfer points a,b,c.. on to these arcs from displacement diagram. 120 60 120 180 240 300 Shaft angle 12 mm represents 30. nwards with uniform acceleration and retardation. curve, The angle between the direction of the onic motion can be written as : the out stroke of the M Machine the cam with the desired features and tolerances. E Exact dimensions are used for the Y axis, where the follower lift is plotted. ; base circle radius = 20mm; roller radius = 7mm; follower to rise through 400 during 900 of cam rotation with cycloidal motion; dwell for 300; return stroke with cycloidal motion during 1200 of cam rotation; dwell for the remaining period. C 3 Using a caliper, measure the necessary angles between the flanks and the base circle, in order to make the desired motion profile. Prime circle: The small are given below. from the axis of the cam shaft. This forms the profile of the cam. thanks guys. Mark the starting point and the end point of the plot with arrows to show the extremes of the plot. A cam drives a flat reciprocating follower in the following manner. Simple harmonic motion Author: lenovo Created Date: 9/5/2020 11:31:48 . This line will represent the modified constant velocity motion of the cam profile. guys i need help! This will be the cam shaft. Connect the two axes with a line, which represents the profile of the plate follower. J K The construction involves drawing a semi-circle and dividing it into the same number of parts as the cam-displacement angle. decreases at a uniform rate during the second half of the motion. the two ends of the Please contact the submission author. 3 2, Do not sell or share my personal information. Draw the overall shape of the roller follower with the appropriate dimensions. Please contact the submission author. A 20 mm diameter roller follower. pls solve the problems. At this moment, the angle Outline the cam in a continuous thick line. Draw vertical lines connecting the arrows to the curved line. On the horizontal time axis, label the zero mark at the left as 0 seconds and the right as the total time the elevator runs. center through the pitch Therefore, the coordinates G 24.3 by adding radii to remove the sharp corners. Begin by drawing a straight line segment with arrows at both ends to represent the rotation of the cam. (11) Draw the cam profile for following conditions: Follower type = roller follower, off-set to the right by 5mm; lift = 30mm; base circle radius = 25mm; roller radius = 5mm; out stroke with SHM, for 1200 cam rotation; dwell for 600 cam rotation; return stroke during 1200 cam rotation; first half of return stroke with Uniform velocity and second half with UARM; dwell for the remaining period. Mark the center of the face of the follower and draw a circle. Suppose the displacement of the follower is S when the angular Label each interval with the appropriate speed/velocity value. These two line should be curved to create a symmetrical shape, like a wave. Start by drawing a circle for the roller. A part of cam profile is drawn during the out-stroke of follower motion with S.H.M.Useful playlists:Cam profile - https://bit.ly/3vjpY7aMechanics - https://bit.ly/3PClXmzBeam reaction \u0026 Graphic statics - https://bit.ly/3veMwWASFD and BMD- Simply supported beam and cantilever beam - https://bit.ly/3PDzA4VSOM \u0026 Structural analysis videos - https://bit.ly/3OEqX8SHeat transfer - https://bit.ly/3PzxiUeThermodynamics - https://bit.ly/3J5ZvQdVelocity \u0026 Acceleration diagram - https://bit.ly/3vj8zf0Hydraulic circuit \u0026 pneumatic circuit working - https://bit.ly/3zAx1e4Fluid mechanics - https://bit.ly/3ODugggDynamics of machinery playlist : https://bit.ly/3zyRakKSPPU Paper solutions -https://bit.ly/3S7dmcUTurbomachinery - https://bit.ly/3cyBftEI.C. Add two small rectangles near the top of the rectangle. Here we are presenting some solved problems based on cam profiles. Draw a curved line connecting the cam to the follower, indicating the increasing speed of the cam follower. Divide the cam into multiple sections using straight lines, and draw the modified constant velocity profile in the sections. Thus, the problem of designing the cam Draw a line from the cam to the follower, indicating the initial velocity of the follower. Normally, the follower Determine the maximum velocity and . (3) Draw the cam profile for following conditions: Follower type = roller follower, in-line; lift = 25mm; base circle radius = 20mm; roller radius = 5mm; out stroke with UARM, for 1200 cam rotation; dwell for 600 cam rotation; return stroke with UARM, for 900 cam rotation; dwell for the remaining period. 30 Draw a curved line starting at the left mark and ending at the right mark. Label the area of the graph where the displacement of the follower is above the origin as increasing and the area below the origin as decreasing. Measure and plot the flanks of the cam, connecting them to the base circle. K keeps them in contact. Select the Scale option from the list of available tools. This includes determining the dimensions and features of the cam follower. (c) Follower to dwell during the next 120 of cam rotation. The follower moves with uniform velocity during both the outstroke and return strokes. This will be the base line for the performance curve. 1 (b) the line of the stroke is offset 15 mm from the axis of the cam shaft. to realize the displacement relationship between the rotation of the The method of work is as follows: Select the minimum cam radius i.e. Thanks, comment more if you need anything else. having a curved outline or a curved groove, N Translating Follower, Disk Cam with Knife-Edge Oscillating 3 The displacement, velocity and acceleration patterns are shown in fig. This should be drawn slightly larger than the base circle, as the offset will be in between them. The displacement, velocity and acceleration patterns are shown in fig.6.9. Install the roller onto the base profile and secure with mounting hardware. Draw the displacement diagram and profile of the cam. Above f Attach the cam followers to the outside of the sprocket. 2 Draw a circle (shown as RAD Q) equal to the least radius of the cam plus the radius of the roller, and divide it into 30 divisions. he greatest distance through which the foll It should look like a series of peaks and troughs. The minimum radius of the cam is 25 mm. I want to design a cylindrical cam and follower mechanism.Can you help me with the force calculations.?? 0123456 he axis of the cam centre, it is called off-set follower. Draw another circle of radius equal to the distance between cam center and follower pivot point. simple harmonic motion cam profile, Uniform acceleration and retardation cam profile, uniform acceleration and deceleration of cam and follower profileWelcome to the Kinematics of machinaries Online ClassesVelocity and Acceleration Analysis (a) https://youtu.be/tRUTzBY79uE (b) https://youtu.be/TG7HeG4nSWUEpicyclic Gear Train Problems (a) https://youtu.be/iNONS-3Iatw (b) https://youtu.be/ytQMWdhGkYcGear Train Problems (a) https://youtu.be/gS2lwIJmYxQ (b) https://youtu.be/iF2u84EhVMg (c) https://youtu.be/DGtiEnlrAfo (d) https://youtu.be/uRc8IqX9GNUAnalysis of Cams and Followers (a) https://youtu.be/Z8RxK5gJDzU (b) https://youtu.be/J01VuFsLi0w (c) https://youtu.be/_wAKP1NLQiE (f) https://youtu.be/kEu-kFfajoI#SHM #camprofileMy Store Adda:https://www.amazon.in/shop/maheshgadwantikar b' outline or a curved groove, which, by its oscillation or rotation This curve should start at the origin, then dip and then rise back to the origin or close to the origin. Using the sketch, calculate the size and shape of the cam. Note that the follower runs in a track in this example.
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