The second part is a ranking done by HRAF anthropologists based on the strength of the source material on a scale of 1 to 5, as follows: 1 - poor; 2 - fair; 3 - good, useful data, but not uniformly excellent; 4 - excellent secondary data; 5 - excellent primary data (eds.
), The Archaeology of Hybrid Material Culture, Occasional Paper No. In Gladwin, H. S., Haury, E. W., Sayles, E. B., and Gladwin, N. 25, Gila Pueblo, Globe, AZ, pp. Reconstructing ancient Hohokam irrigation systems in the middle Gila River valley, Arizona, United States of America. Schaafsma, P., and Taube, K. A. ), Archaeology without Borders: Contact, Commerce, and Change in the U.S. Southwest and Northwestern Mexico, University Press of Colorado, Boulder, pp. Excavations in the Santa Cruz River Floodplain: The Early Agricultural Period Component at Los Pozos, Anthropological Papers No. Mathiowetz, M. D. (2011). Gerald, R., and Lyons, P. D. (2019). Excising culture history from contemporary archaeology. McGuire, R. H., and Villalpando, M. E. Russell, W. G., and Wright, A. M. (2008). 105121. 51, Archaeology Southwest, Tucson, AZ. Deal, M. (2017). Punzo Daz, J. L. (2019). In Minnis, P. E., and Whalen, M. E. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 44: 5783. ), Culture and Environment in the American Southwest: Essays in Honor of Robert C. Euler, SWCA Environmental Consultants, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 73120. mortuary practices, Geographic Keywords (eds. The Papago Ceremony of Vkta, Indian Notes and Monographs 3(4), Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York. ), Ancient Paquim and the Casas Grandes World, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. The Diurnal Path of the Sun: Ideology and Interregional Interaction in Ancient Northwest Mesoamerica and the American Southwest, Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside. Wright, A. M., and Hopkins, M. P. (2016). Bayman, J. M., and Sullivan III, A. P. (2008). American Anthropologist n.s. (20122020). Doyel, D. E. (1994). 4, Gila Pueblo, Globe, AZ. In Holmes, W. H. Wallace, H. D. (2014). ), Southwest, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. McGuire, R. H. (1989). Some observations on Hohokam figurines: Implications for early American Southwest connections with West Mexico. WebHohokam definition, of, belonging to, or characteristic of an American Indian culture of the central and southern deserts of Arizona, about a.d. 4501450, roughly contemporaneous The meaning of Huhugam. Mathiowetz, M. D., and Turner, A. D. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. Wright, A. M. (2011). ), The Foundations of Southwest Communities: Variation and Change in Pithouse Villages between AD 200900, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 48(2), Archaeology Southwest, Tucson, AZ, pp. American Antiquity 63: 375396. Nelson, B. ), Vanishing River: Landscapes and Lives of the Lower Verde Valley: The Lower Verde Archaeological Project, SRI Press, Tucson, AZ, pp. Wilcox, D. R. (1991a). Kiva 79: 280299. American Anthropologist n.s. The Flower World in material culture: An iconographic complex in the Southwest and Mesoamerica. Haury, E. W. (1937c). volume30,pages 117167 (2022)Cite this article. Introduction to Zui ceremonialism. The problem of contacts between the southwestern United States and Mexico. no date, Evaluation: In this alphanumeric code, the first part designates the type of person writing the document, e.g. The Hohokam millennium, edited by Suzanne K. Fish and Paul R. Fish Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? (ed. The Hohokam Indians developed intricate networks of canals for irrigation, an agricultural engineering feat unsurpassed in pre-Columbian North America. 43, Center for Desert Archaeology, Tucson, AZ, pp. A history of cacao in West Mexico: Implications for Mesoamerica and U.S. Southwest connections. Pots are more than household equipment.
WebHohokam: [noun] a member of a prehistoric desert culture of the southwestern U.S. centering in the Gila Valley of Arizona and characterized especially by irrigated agriculture. Kelly, I. T. (1944). Bayman, J. M. (2001). Religion: An Anthropological View, Random House, New York. 231247. Fewkes, J. W. (1912). Marn, F. M. (2012). ), Themes in Southwest Prehistory, School of American Research Press, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 110, Cambridge University, Cambridge. Plateau 3: 1225. (eds. Haury, E. W. (1950). 6, Institute for American Research, Tucson, AZ, pp. (2006). In VanPool, C. S., VanPool, T. L., and Phillips Jr., D. A. Searcy, M. (2014). 499508. In Granados, R. G. In Fifth Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America, University Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 178223. (eds. 69123. 38, Gila Pueblo, Globe, AZ. In Rice, G. E., Wilcox, D. R., Rafferty, K., and Schoenwetter, J.
Mogollon Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice. Ulysses Sail: An Ethnographic Odyssey of Power, Knowledge, and Geographic Distance, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Journal of Arizona Archaeology 1: 89101. (eds. 8, Australian Rock Art Research Association, Melbourne, pp. (ed. The Hohokam regional system. Vargas, V. D. (1995). Roosevelt 9:6: A Hohokam Site of the Colonial Period, Medallion Papers No. (eds. Mesoamerican objects and symbols in Chaco Canyon contexts. For those wanting to up-their-game on any one of these three research areas, the references are extensive., [An] innovative book. Reconstructing the sacred in Hohokam archaeology: Cosmology, mythology, and ritual. (page 65). McGuire, R. H., Adams, E. C., Nelson, B. Representations of the Mesoamerican creation saga are seen on Mimbres pottery. Current Anthropology 37: 1531. Carot, P., and Hers, M. (2008). 228280. Visual prayer and breath bodies: Flower World metaphor in Pueblo III and IV rock art. A Field Guide to Rock Art Symbols of the Greater Southwest, Johnson Books, Boulder, CO. Pederson, J. L., Chapot, M. S., Simms, S. R., Sohbati, R., Rittenour, T. M., Murray, A. S., and Cox, G. (2014). Miller, M. (2001). Prehispanic Northwest and adjacent West Mexico, 1200 BCAD 1400: An interregional perspective.
What does hohokam mean? Journal of Field Archaeology 23: 403420. 461480. Below is the article summary. Journal of Anthropological Research 55: 137. Temptation and glory in one Pima and two Aztec mythologies. In Ortiz, A. (eds. In Heidke, J. M., and Stark, M. T. The Sun Youth of the Casas Grandes culture, Chihuahua, Mexico (AD 12001450). (eds.) In Cant, R. (2000). ), The Archaeology of Regional Interaction: Religion, Warfare, and Exchange across the American Southwest and Beyond, University Press of Colorado, Boulder, pp. 117121. (eds.
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Pueblo Indians Oldest Culture in the (ed. Storia Antica del Messico, Tomo I, Gregorio Biasini allInsegna di Pallade, Cesena, Italy. WebHohokam is the name of one of the four major prehistoric archaeological traditions of the American style may define arbitrary groups within a culture, perhaps identifying social status, gender, clan or guild affiliation, religious belief or cultural alliances. Pailes, R. A., and Whitecotton, J. W. (1979).
Who Were the Hohokam? - DNA Consultants Human Relations Area Files, 2010. Jim Heidke and Ben Nelson also kindly weighed in on the state of horned serpent imagery in Hohokam ceramic designs. The Red-on-Buff Culture of the Gila Basin, Medallion Papers No. Some notes on the snake pictographs of Nine Mile Canyon, Utah. A. Moulard, B. L. (2002). In Arroyo, B., Aragn, L. P., Palma, A. L., and Arroyave, A. L. 93105. 33, Museum of Man, San Diego, CA, pp. 11, El Paso Archaeological Society, El Paso, TX. (2005). Villalpando, M. E. ), Chemical Characterization of Ceramic Pastes in Archaeology, Monographs in World Archaeology No. 2015 ( tDAR id: 396096), General From Huhugam to Hohokam: Heritage and Archaeology in the American Southwest, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD.
Native American culture of the Southwest (article) | Khan Academy (page 65). In Gumerman, G. J. Doyel, D. E., Fish, S. K., and Fish, P. R. Petroglyphs and bell rocks at Cocoraque Butte: Further evidence of the Flower World belief among the Hohokam. 18, Archaeological Society of New Mexico, Albuquerque, pp. Weaver, D. E, Jr. (1985). (eds. The choice of cemeteries gave households flexibility in dealing with the tension between Hohokam sociopolitical ideology and religious beliefs. 83102. The Excavations of Los Muertos and Neighboring Ruins in the Salt River Valley, Southern Arizona, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology No. Wilcox, D. R. (1979). ), Shamanism and Rock Art in North America, Special Publication 1, Rock Art Foundation, San Antonio, TX, pp. Corrections? Riley, C. L. (2005). Boyce, I. M. (2016).
Hohokam 27, Center for Desert Archaeology, Tucson, AZ. May include journal articles, essays, collections of essays, monographs or chapters/parts of monographs. The Artifact 46: 1945. Digital Antiquity extends our knowledge of the human past and improves the management of our cultural heritage by permanently preserving digital archaeological data and supporting their discovery, access, and reuse. The Myths of the Opossum: Pathways of Mesoamerican Mythology, trans. The Hohokam, the Mimbres, and the land between: A Mimbres perspective. Plausible ethnographic analogies for the social organization of Hohokam canal irrigation. Pipette dreams and the primordial snake-canoe: Analysis of a hallucinatory form constant. ), Painting the Cosmos: Metaphor and Worldview in Images from the Southwest Pueblos and Mexico, Bulletin No. Tracking Prehistoric Migrations: Pueblo Settlers among the Tonto Basin Hohokam, Anthropological Papers No. ), Religion in the Prehispanic Southwest, Archaeology of Religion No. ), The Hohokam Millennium, School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM, pp. American Antiquity 79: 90107. 31737. 6, Gila Pueblo, Globe, AZ. Taube, K. A. Honey Bee village and the Valley of Gold in the scheme of things Hohokam. Di Peso, C. C. (1979). 0a5f9020aaf2b4f0eea83913d23711e6fa544b49 (master), Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015), Society and Economy in the Hohokam World: New Evidence and Insights from Canal System 2, Phoenix, Arizona, Submit Correction, Comment In Clark, J. J., and Lyons, P. D.
The Americas She confines her analysis to the Preceramic Hohokam from the Phoenix basin. 262291. Other archaeologists prefer to identify ancient Arizona as part of the Oasisamerica tradition and instead call Hohokam the Oasisamericans. Nevertheless, Hohokam are one of the four major cultures of the American Southwest and Northern Mexico, according to Southwestern archaeology . Washburn, D. K. (2019). Gregory, D. A. (ed. 206222. (ed. Publication Information The main body of the Publication Information page contains all the metadata that HRAF holds for that document.
Hohokam Lyons, P. D. (2012). 125131. Hayden, J. D. (1970). Plog, S., Fish, P. R., Glowacki, D. M., and Fish, S. K. (2015). WebThe Interaction of Hohokam Ideology and Religious Beliefs in the Hohokam Practice of Dual Cemeteries (2015) DOCUMENT Citation Only Glen Rice. 77116. 187204. Author's name as appearing in the actual publication. Journal of Texas Archaeology and History 2: 4557. WebThe Pueblo Indians, situated in the Southwestern United States, are one of the oldest cultures in the nation. Journal of Anthropological Research 68: 473502. In Phillips, Jr., D. A., and Ware, J. (ed. Author: Author's name as listed in Library of Congress records Article VanPool, T. L., Palmer, C. T., and VanPool, C. S. (2008). 2, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, pp. by Black, J., Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London. (ed. ), Excavations at Snaketown I: Material Culture, Medallion Papers No. ), American Indian Rock Art, Vol. Russell, F. (1908). Wallace, H. D. (1991). Hohokam culture--Arizona--Phoenix//Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Phoenix//Phoenix (Ariz.)--Antiquities. Griffith, J. S. (1992). VanPool, C. S., VanPool, T. L., and Harmon, M. J.
The Iconography of Connectivity Between the Hohokam World and Update to the Middle Gila Buffware ceramic sequence. Russell, W. G., Nez, N., and Martinez, D. (2011). An analysis of the pipette element in Hohokam rock art. Social because they thought that the gods provided sun, earth, etc. Revitalization movements. A place in sacred history: Coronation ritual and architecture in Ottonian Mainz. 121138. (ed. How far is a pipette? Oodham Creation and Related Events, ed. 3339. Stckli, M., Howell, M., and Both, A. Of Hohokam origins and other matters. Report of A. F. Bandelier on his investigations in New Mexico during the years 18831884. Similarities in Hohokam and Chalchihuites artifacts. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, translated by W. R. Trask, Bollingen Foundation, New York. 245251. 1, American Rock Art Research Association, Tucson, AZ. 97, Document ID: HRAF's unique document identifier. Gregory, D. A., Stevens, M. N., Nials, F. L., Schurr, M. R., and Diehl, M. W. (2007). ), Selected Papers of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. Hohokam religion: An archaeologists perspective. Wallace, A. F. C. (1966). In Noble, D. G. by Malotki, E., Northern Arizona University Press, Flagstaff. 19, Sunbelt Publications, El Cajon, CA, pp. Wallace, A. F. C. (1956).
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