333 and has certified that the government of Yemen is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Statistics, Report (Annual/Periodic), Program/Project Description, Grants and Funding, Factsheet. Netherlands Some perpetrators use these types of conditions as part of their coercive schemes to compel the labor of domestic workers with little risk of detection. Human trafficking continues to be a critical threat to Black communities. 1107 Addendum to the OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, Decision No. Such circumstances create unique vulnerabilities. Debt bondage is focused on human trafficking crimes in which the traffickers primary means of coercion is debt manipulation. This reporting and information sharing can be highly useful in tracking and tracing proceeds related to human trafficking. In the absence of a political settlement, the war in Libya will continue to destabilize the broader region, creating space for violent extremists to regroup. Kuwait Cabo Verde Governments should continue working with neighbors and NGOs to address cross-border trafficking issues and support strong collaboration at the borders to identify and prevent trafficking. The most durable solution to the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers will be a political solution that ends the conflict. Enabling human trafficking survivors participation in the regulated financial sector is critical. This carefully calibrated support would be provided to the Yemen Border Guard, Yemen Coast Guard, and Yemen Special Operations Forces units not directly engaged in the current conflict, but rather involved in efforts against malign third party influences contributing to the on-going conflict and crisis. Mary C. Ellison Section 4 contains the justifications for such waivers. The victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly women and girls. It is in the U.S. national interest to support efforts to bring about a negotiated political settlement led by the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. Burma With U.S. support, the CPU carried out six screening missions that examined over 1,500 SNA troops in 2019, and identified four minors within the SNA, according to the 2019 CPU annual report. In recent years, participants in online forums have spread a number of false and misleading claims about child sex trafficking, sometimes deliberately deceiving the public through disinformation efforts connected to conspiracy theories unrelated to human trafficking. The Department has highlighted the vulnerability of LGBTQI+ individuals, the trafficking risks they face, and the challenges associated with victim identification and protection around the world. Tier 1 represents a responsibility rather than a reprieve. The Prosecution, Protection, and Prevention sections of each country narrative describe how a government has or has not addressed the relevant TVPA minimum standards (see pages 56-58), during the reporting period. Whether the government of the country monitors immigration and emigration patterns for evidence of severe forms of trafficking in persons and whether law enforcement agencies of the country respond to any such evidence in a manner that is consistent with the vigorous investigation and prosecution of acts of such trafficking, as well as with the protection of human rights of victims and the internationally recognized human right to leave any country, including ones own, and to return to ones own country. Nicaragua This pattern of fracturing families and communities has led to an unjust overrepresentation of Black individuals in other systems, like prisons, runaway and homeless youth services, and foster or institutional care, that exacerbate the social isolation and vulnerability on which traffickers prey. Tunisia About one third of the overall detected victims were children, both girls (19 per cent) and boys . Domestic workers are often isolated and may work alone in a house. Create protocols for what all staff should do if they feel exploited by the organization or individuals within the organization. Service providers should continue information-sharing efforts to develop and promote promising practices for supporting identified victims and vulnerable populations during the pandemic. Innovative AML compliance solutions that use big data, advanced analytics, network analysis, and, increasingly, artificial intelligence to monitor transactions and identify and report suspicious transactions can assist governments and the private sector in identifying and combating human trafficking networks. The United States continues to work with the FGS, including through the CPU, and the UN to monitor progress on the 2012 action plan and urge additional actions to prevent the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers and to demobilize, rehabilitate, and reintegrate children identified in the SNA or associated groups, or children previously associated with al-Shabaab. Shoichi Ibusuki has been an unrelenting champion of protecting foreign workers rights, and he has worked tirelessly for years on behalf of foreign technical trainees to assist victims of forced labor and prevent abuse within Japans Technical Intern Training Program. Authorities continued to implement these policies in other provinces, targeted other religious minorities under their auspices, and sought the coerced repatriation and internment of religious and ethnic minorities living abroad through the use of surveillance, harassment and threats against them and their family members, and extradition requests. Salih still suffers from hearing loss due to explosions and airstrikes. 2551 (XL-O/10), Department of Public Security and Department against Transnational Organized Crime, The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector(2017), OECD Task Force on Countering Illicit Trade, OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings (2003), Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Trafficking in Human Beings, Regional Conference on Migration Plan of Action (updated in 2009), The Liaison Officers Network to Combat Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons, SADC Strategic Plan of Action on Combating Trafficking in Persons, especially women and Children (2009-2019), Economic Community of West African States, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, Council of Europes Group of Experts on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings, International Criminal Police Organization, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. Sarah A. Scott Financial institutions and civil society can play an important role in assisting survivors in the recovery process by providing them access to digital financial services, such as online microcredit, without requiring traditional identity documentation. The DRC plays a critical role in regional stability and security as malign influences continue to expand their influence in the region. Many of us loathe the churches that allowed us to be abused with their hatred of us from the pulpit. Whether the government of the country protects victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons and encourages their assistance in the investigation and prosecution of such trafficking, including provisions for legal alternatives to their removal to countries in which they would face retribution or hardship, and ensures that victims are not inappropriately incarcerated, fined, or otherwise penalized solely for unlawful acts as a direct result of being trafficked, including by providing training to law enforcement and immigration officials regarding the identification and treatment of trafficking victims using approaches that focus on the needs of the victims. 24.9 million victims of human trafficking The ILO estimates there were 24.9 million victims of human trafficking around the world. This assistance enables the U.S. government to continue to fulfill its goal of assisting the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to build effective and rights-respecting security forces, which are indispensable to achieving greater military effectiveness. The acts element of forced labor is met when the trafficker recruits, harbors, transports, provides, or obtains a person for labor or services. This year, the TIP Report introduction examines the emerging trends, challenges, and adaptations to global anti-trafficking efforts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategic analysis will support a coordinated law enforcement response in the region and beyond. Positive connection, the freedom to experience developmentally appropriate activities, and even fun, sometimes for the first time, are healing elements that should be emphasized in these programs. In these cases, the trafficker may begin grooming the victim at an early age, using their close proximity to take advantage of the childs developmental stage and inability to verbally express concerns or safety issues. The government also reportedly placed ethnic Tibetans in vocational training and manufacturing jobs as part of an ostensible poverty alleviation and labor transfer program that featured overt coercive elements. Outlined below is a description of what it means to be both trauma- and survivor-informed, as well as recommendations on integrating both approaches as one, comprehensive effort. When assessing needs, a child-friendly waiting room might take priority. As COVID-19 caused a global economic downturn and increased the number of individuals vulnerable to human trafficking, traffickers adapted their existing tactics to take advantage of the unique circumstances of the pandemic. From 2000 to 2020, SIFOS helped identify 578 child trafficking victims and reintegrate 9,039 children into local society. Overcoming and adapting to these broad impacts of the pandemic remain critical to an effective response against human trafficking. The waiver for PKO assistance, used in assisting efforts to form broad-based, multi-clan Somali security forces, will also support this goal. The Embassy will continue to collaborate with UNICEF and other NGOs and encourage the government to view them as a resource in the joint effort to eliminate the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers. Rebecca Morgan Guinea-Bissau 2. Furthermore, victims of familial trafficking might not be able to comprehend or identify with the indicators featured in most public awareness and outreach campaigns that share information on how to seek help. With limited access to wraparound services that, in many cases, are integral to survivors independence and well-being, trafficking survivors are at an increased risk of re-victimization. Access to information and translation services for trafficking victims was also a challenge, as victim support networks reduced services to a minimum. While Tier 1 is the highest ranking, it does not mean that a country has no human trafficking problem or that it is doing enough to address the crime. The international monitor-verified use of children in labor and support roles by certain military battalions increased in conflict zones, predominantly in Rakhine and Kachin States. Frequently, service providers use the same approaches and resources for familial trafficking that are used for all types of human trafficking, which can be inappropriate and even harmful. According to international organizations, the CPUs prevented the recruitment of 439 children in 2019. The Human Trafficking Foundation started a Google group, and the Freedom Collaborative initiated a COVID-19 Response Facebook group. governmental efforts to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts and international sex tourism. Doing so requires us to mitigate harmful practices and policies that cause socioeconomic or political vulnerabilities that traffickers often prey on. Susan Snyder Organizations must incorporate the voices of multiple survivors into their trauma-informed practices. Service providers should examine how they can more meaningfully engage and collaborate with historically underserved populations to achieve inclusive and culturally responsive service delivery. Therefore governments, including the United States, must foster an inclusive environment that allows for a thriving, diverse workforce at alllevels. When she arrived, she learned her boss owned a roadside stall instead of a store. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date The limited U.S. military assistance to Cameroon plays a role in its ability to support regional stability and security, including in the strategically important Gulf of Guinea, and to address the threat in the Lake Chad region from Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa. Building the capacity of the Republic of Yemen Government to meet these goals furthers important U.S. government security interests to include enhancing homeland security, while simultaneously moving toward the goal of ending the war in Yemen. Section 1 lists the countries identified as being in violation of the standards under the CSPA in 2020. Organizations can set themselves up for success in a manner that is adaptivenot stagnantto meet the evolving challenges of anti-trafficking efforts by mindfully weaving together survivor-leadership and trauma-informed approaches for the collective good of all who engage in anti-trafficking spaces. The tendency of this pandemic to aggravate hardship requires the responsible implementation of increased protection measures that are responsive to the needs of individuals with coexisting vulnerabilities to human trafficking and COVID-19 infection. Labor-Sending Countries and Pre-departure Measures: The Department of State received the following letter in response to its annual Federal Register notice requesting information relevant to countries progress in addressing human trafficking. The United States government urges the GOI to continue its ongoing attempts to assert command and control over all elements of the PMF. Pandemic mitigation efforts forced many people to shift online, including human traffickers. The term child soldier includes any person described in clauses (ii), (iii), or (iv) who is serving in any capacity, including in a support role, such as a cook, porter, messenger, medic, guard, or sex slave.. Staff and relevant stakeholders should be able to observe the child from a separate room, where appropriate. In 2018, the president created regional disarmament centers in Bamenda, Northwest Region, Buea in the Southwest Region, and Mora in the Far North Region. Whitney Stewart The chattel slavery system relied on the separation of family units during auctions and trading of enslaved people. South Sudan The need to incorporate anti-trafficking efforts into existing responses in other contexts, such as in humanitarian settings. At yearend 2020, for the 47 states that reported data, 1,564 persons were in the custody of a state prison serving a sentence for a human trafficking offense. In addition, providing migrant workers with information on their rights and obligations, on complaint mechanisms in case of abuse, and on how to access assistance and remedies, would empower them to identify and leave exploitative situations. Whether the parent or guardian is the trafficker or sells the child who is then placed in the care of another trafficker, the trafficker is both that childs exploiter and caregiver. Cyprus Such policies have resulted in an ongoing disproportionate number of Native children in the child welfare system, increasing their vulnerability to human trafficking. Iraq These include the creation of Labor Dispute Resolution Committees, the opening of the first and only shelter in the country for human trafficking victims, the removal of exit permit requirements for migrant workers, implementation of the minimum wage, and abolishment of the No Objection Certificate (migrant workers were previously required to obtain these certificates from their employer to transfer to another employer). Detention in these camps is intended to erase ethnic and religious identities under the pretext of vocational training. Forced labor is a central tactic used for this repression. As the DRCs principal partner in ending its devastating almost 2-year Ebola outbreak in the East and a major contributor to humanitarian assistance overall, the United States can leverage existing relationships to multiply and synergize the impact of PKO assistance. The government was actively complicit in the forced labor of North Korean workers. Vicente was thrilled when he was recruited and offered an educational visa to attend community college in the United States. The school administrators forced Vicente and the other students to adhere to an exhausting work and academic schedule and threatened deportation and legal action if they failed to comply or skipped a work shift. With proper training and guidance, financial institutions and designated non-financial businesses are able to identify illicit finance related to human trafficking and report potential cases. In the resulting absence of adequate anti-trafficking responses around the world, victims went unidentified, survivors were underserved, and traffickers were not held accountable. Despite the attention towards and growth in understanding of a survivor-informed approach, gaps arose in how different agencies and organizations in various settings applied it. The Government of Cameroon is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. The justification for this determination and certification with respect to each country is set forth in this Memorandum. The CSPA prohibits assistance to governments that are identified in the list under the following authorities: International Military Education and Training, Foreign Military Financing, Excess Defense Articles, and Peacekeeping Operations, with exceptions for some programs undertaken pursuant to the Peacekeeping Operations authority. Another powerful way systemic racism has perpetuated human trafficking and hindered anti-trafficking efforts is through discriminatory government policies and private practices that create disparities in access to economic means or opportunities, which traffickers exploit to compel victims in sex trafficking or forced labor. Caitlin B. Heidenreich "This Report increases our understanding of modern slave markets, yet it also exposes our ignorance", said Mr. Costa. Mark Forstrom Global Programme for Strengthening Capacities to Prevent and Combat Organized Crime, Global Programme on Crimes that Affect the Environment, Expert Meeting on International Cooperation, Ad hoc committee to elaborate an international convention on countering the use of ICTs for criminal purposes, International cooperation and information exchange, The Monitoring Illicit Arms Flows Initiative, Global Programme against Money Laundering, United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Conference of the Parties to Organized Crime Convention, Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking, 20th anniversary of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC20), Countering transnational organized crime and illicit trafficking/drug trafficking, Prevention, treatment and reintegration, and alternative development, Drug cultivation, production and manufacture, Statistical activities, surveys and standards, Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Information on funding opportunities and the recipient organizations, Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries, Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols (UNTOC/COP), Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (COSP), IMOLIN - the international money laundering information network, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June), United Nations drug, crime and terrorism treaties, United Nations Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking. President Felix Tshisekedi has demonstrated that he is a willing partner committed to addressing instability and conflict in DRC, but needs U.S. security assistance to succeed in defeating armed groups threatening local populations, including the ISIS-affiliated Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). Libya The kafala system is a sponsorship-based visa category that gives employers full control over the migrant workers residency permits, movements in and out of the country, and ability to change employers. Honduras Depending on whether and to what extent anonymizing technologies are applied, blockchain transactions can be analyzed to identify patterns indicative of criminal activity. Costa Rica For example, IOM has developed resources for its staff to incorporate anti-trafficking into its own work in humanitarian and other emergency settings. These spaces, which can be a separate room or even just a corner of a regular interview room, are typically located in existing structures such as police stations or hospitals and are administered by the government or an NGO. Given the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on marginalized communities, an equity-based approach is critical to reducing vulnerabilities. Section 2. The OSCE provides workshops and training to participating States on preventing trafficking in the organizations supply chains, and identifying and protecting trafficking victims. This waiver will allow assistance that directly contributes to efforts to advance the UN-led political process. Page 36: Getty-Ina Fassbender/Contributor Jasmine McClam The concurrence of the increased number of individuals at risk, traffickers ability to capitalize on competing crises, and the diversion of resources to pandemic response efforts has resulted in an ideal environment for human trafficking to flourish and evolve. Belize Resources for these organizations are often already strained and should be directed towards evidence-based solutions to combat human trafficking. This is seen, for example, in the overrepresentation of human trafficking victims among Black populations in some parts of South America, the lack of protections afforded to migrant workers in the Gulf that creates a dependence on others that traffickers can exploit, and the intentional targeting of Roma communities through law enforcement anti-trafficking operations in Eastern Europe. Regardless of whether the process was delayed or expedited, repatriation of trafficking victims had the potential to lead to serious health and protection risks in the countries of return, as well as increased costs and added difficulty due to quarantine requirements upon arrival. "More must be done to reduce the vulnerability of victims, increase the risks to traffickers, and lower demand for the goods and services of modern-day slaves", he said. The term forced child labor describes forced labor schemes in which traffickers compel children to work. Sex trafficking occurs in several industries as well. The Nigerian military has also responded to end the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers when isolated incidents are brought to their attention. Research Expert talks about making the report, Interview on trafficking in persons in Asia, Mr.Costa Launches Human Trafficking Report. Mali The international community has taken tough action to promote accountability for the PRCs actions and strengthen market defenses against the import of these goods. Chad As a result, there was a significant increase in suspicious transaction reports filed by financial institutions related to this activity. To stamp it out, we need the same kind of determination that the 19th . Algeria The United States will continue engaging with Afghan security forces to encourage implementation of the policies and legal frameworks in place, such as the Ministry of Defenses Protection of Children in Armed Conflict Policy. Italy As with previous years, this edition of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons presents a global picture of the patterns and flows of trafficking (Chapter 1), alongside detailed regional analyses (Chapter 2) and country profiles. Page 18-19: Mushfiqual Alam The 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report covers government efforts undertaken from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. Yemen. It also organized a workshop on managing and mitigating TIP risks in procurement for ODIHR. A trauma-informed approach should ultimately build trust and transparency between survivors and service providers, and it must also be responsive to gender, age, ethnic, and cultural differences. Ensure that benefits include mental health care for all staff members, including any survivors that are hired. The 2022 UNODCGlobal Report on Trafficking in Personsis the seventh of its kind mandated by the General Assembly through the 2010 United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons. In the first seven months of the pandemic, the International Aid Transparency Initiative noted a reduction of 17 percent in bilateral donor commitments between 2019 and 2020, which included a five percent decline in ODA. According to an international organization, in December 2019, the GOI discharged 40 boys who had been recruited by Tribal Mobilization Forces (TMF) and provided them with rehabilitation and integration program in coordination with the international organization. Withdrawing security sector assistance at a pivotal stage of negotiations could undermine the U.S. governments ability to achieve a durable cessation of hostilities in Libya. The WhatsApp forum allowed the nearly 350 police and prosecutor participants to share tips and resources on effective methods for trafficking investigations and prosecutions. Greece RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CONTINUED GROWTH IN THE INTEGRATION PROCESS, Hiring Survivors and Ensuring a Trauma-informed Work Environment, Establishing Administrative Processes for a Trauma-informed Workplace. We are the unwanted, the forgotten, the lost kids of the streets that no one misses or looks for. Catherine E. Kay When a person younger than 18 is used to perform a commercial sex act, it is a crime regardless of whether there is any force, fraud, or coercion. This truncated narrative gives a few examples. Joshua Youle With this years Report we celebrate the efforts of anti-trafficking professionals who continued to serve and identify victims as well as prosecute traffickers amidst the pandemics devastating effects on the worlds most vulnerable populations. Instead of an internship, the school required the Chilean students to work 40 hours per week in a meat processing plant to pay off a debt for the academic programthat they had been told would be tuition-freeand pay for food and housing out of their wages. Many reputable sources publish information online to help the public understand when information being shared about human trafficking is misleading or false. St. Vincent and the Grenadines This narrative was written by a consultant for the Network funded by the TIP Office. As seen in most fields during the pandemic, technology has become a powerful means to connect people and collect information, while limiting individuals exposure to the virus. Human trafficking results in severe detrimental impacts on both mental and physical health. Do you get to choose to be abused in a society where death is the alternative? Some of us were there to pay off the debts owed to the bar owner. Traffickers can also manipulate debts after the economic relationship begins by withholding earnings or forcing the victim to assume debts for expenses like food, housing, ortransportation. When traffickers use debts as a means to compel labor or commercial sex, they have committed a crime.
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