There is some information that suggests that it spent a portion of its time in Massachusetts near the Claiborne reservoir. It is also called Poor mans Weatherglass because it needs a sunny day to open (similar to chicory, another plant, only much larger with blue flowers that were brought here from Europe). However the scarring on the trees did not and the angles were off. And they were using all the habitat. So here in New Hampshire when a person turns in something that the Department believes is possible mountain lion and believes it should be investigated further. Do we have native species that could have exhibited this type of behavior leaving leaving a deer carcass up in a tree. The second one was not only fresh but when I actually put my hand on it it was you know smelled like cat and I it's there's no denying a fresh mountain lions get if you can tell it every story that KOAT. So. This is where things start breaking down when you so I get pictures with this great description and one of my favorite stories is a great description what the witness and then so I called the witness and wanted information from them and the person says What are you talking about. And I I have this great text history of New Hampshire game and fir bears and I think by Helen Silver who used to work for fish and game and she sort of I kind eyes this animal in one of the quotes from 1892 stating that the catamaran was the most ferocious of all the wild beasts of New Hampshire his great size strength and agility of movement together with his formidable weapons rendered him the terror both of man and beast. of Energy & Environmental Protection. The young adult male was killed by an SUV on the Wilbur Cross Parkway in Milford, Connecticut on June 11, 2011. Hear the full interview: Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators. Not one picture of him online while the person meet with us. Rick van de Poll: Oh yeah absolutely. Are there mountain lions in Massachusetts. Fish and Wildlife Service unofficially declared the Eastern cougar extinct. Finally, in the third camp, there are the true believersthe cougar truthers, if you willthe men and women for whom the only logical conclusion (often reached after a significant investment of time, thought, and sometimes money) is that right here, right now, cougars live among us, feeding and breeding and rearing their young, and that suggesting otherwise is sheer ignorance, willful denial, or part of a mosaic of conspiracy. Many people do not realize how large a grown Bobcat is. The last catamount in Vermont is finally, officially, certainly dead. So that that's more or less I think why I'm here and why I got into this in nineteen ninety nine I found a what appeared to be a print of a mountain lion and that was in the Osprey mountains and I thought well OK that's that's a print. All of that remains unanswered but it is an extremely interesting question. Re (3): Mountain Lion sighting in Brookfield ct - By weather01089 February 1, 2016 at 04:55:52 PM. Patrick Tate: Yes. These were normal everyday folks. Patrick Tate: So it's interesting it's brought up. It lowers the population in a way thats not going to affect the long-term population. These tracks may have been made by the mountain lion documented in Greenwich, Connecticut on June 5, 2011, and killed by a vehicle six days later. Residents from Bedford to Berlin have been reporting sightings for years. Peter Biello: Ok weird question but do they make good pets. Based on this blurry photo and pawprints, DEEP confirmed it was likely a mountain lion. Really appreciate it. Hawley: Wildlife biologists across the United States know where the current mountain lion range is. We'd be inundated with scouts in the past when newspaper articles have been written about DNA and scouts. The most recent post was Dec. 10 a woman said she was fairly certain she had spotted a mountain lion walking in the grass along the Massachusetts Turnpike between Otis and Westfield around 2:30 a.m. Yes. I had a resident in New Hampshire tell me a story of a mountain lion in the 1960s where a person who would come summer in New Hampshire and then live in a different part of the country in the winter had a trailer that was housing his mount line. And to anyone listening I would just say you know fishing game who wants proof right. Pat ruse and he was sampling doing DNA samples from cats in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Patrick Tate: So Cougar Mountain Lion katama. and territorial animals are much more inclined to create a problem with passer bys than dispersing animals in fact I'd be totally shocked if a dispersal would encounter with a human purposefully unless they had already had some type of training to do so. He coined the term landscape of fear to describe the relationship between predator and prey in the wild. Betty folded his arms across his chest, where they rose and fell and rose again with his breathing. Author of The last woman in the forest on Saturday July 13th at 7 p.m. at Warner town hall Warner historical dawg. Pat do they typically just move around a lot. I believe I saw one that's fine and I'm not looking for an immediate story. Please do not include personal or contact information. New England Mountain Lion Sighting Bulletin Board, Mountain lion/wolf sightings in Central Ma, Re(1): Mountain lion/wolf sightings in Central Ma, Re(2): Mountain lion/wolf sightings in Central Ma, Ellisville State Park cougar killed crossing 3A in S. Plymouth, MA, Re(1): Ellisville State Park cougar killed crossing 3A in S. Plymouth, MA, Re(2): Ellisville State Park cougar killed crossing 3A in S. Plymouth, MA, Sighting just over CT border into Vista, NY, Re(1): Sighting just over CT border into Vista, NY, VideoWild cat sighting, North Scituate, RI, Re(1): VideoWild cat sighting, North Scituate, RI, Re(2): VideoWild cat sighting, North Scituate, RI, Re(3): VideoWild cat sighting, North Scituate, RI, Re(4): VideoWild cat sighting, North Scituate, RI, Re(1): Mountain lion/bobcat?/North Andover. Well I can't tell you what you saw. Cougar truthers are certain that the big cat is living and breeding again in New England. So and so they so they do get pretty involved. About two years ago I was at the Laconia airport on the way home from the airport and there's a big lake on one side called Lily Pond. So the whole media hype about how scary mountain lions are should should go away immediately and that would be that I think the major thrust of educating folks about these casualties vs.. Sam Evans-Brown: Sam go ahead. By, March 2023 Fund Drive Rules and Regulations, Persons with disabilities who need assistance accessing NHPR's FCC public files, please contact us at Peter Biello: This is the exchange on an PR. Betty, for instance, has presented on Eastern cougars more than 300 times, gathering many hundreds of sighting reports in the process. People even report House Cats as mountain lions in a surprising number of cases. Patrick Tate: Martin Like what about Panther Panther saying animals same animal and like a bit of trivia Guinness Book of World Records says the animal with the most names is in English alone they're supposedly 40 names for Mount lion. So for our scientists to do the lumping and whatnot. He wore red suspenders and a baseball cap. Fish and Wildlife Service unofficially declared the Eastern cougar extinct. Peter Biello: Yeah some of what she was saying sounds like it would require getting pretty close or at least having a nice zoom lens right Sam like. Known to exist in the state for over well over a hundred years. We've met Fish and Game's BURDEN OF PROOF. [Betty] and the other guys dont do this shit. Major news! That's the real story is they can't follow up on every one of these sightings. Really appreciate it. We know that strays have wandered through New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts; that does not indicate that a sighting means we have a resident mountain lion in the Berkshires. I could hear the steady rush of traffic on Route 315. It was really muscular looking cat I mean is that like a side angle to me. So Michael follows with the question. Anytime at any HP broad dot org or subscribe to our podcast search Apple podcasts Google Play or stitcher for an HP bar exchange. And Im assuming whatever were doing right now, its not working. She lives near the end of a gravel road in a modest, low-slung house tucked into the flanks of the Green Mountains. You dont even have to go out and look for it.. Mountain lions became scarce in the East after a bounty system wiped out most predatory animals. We need cougars and we need wolves back in the Northeast, because a landscape of fear is a well-balanced landscape.. There is also a small population in southern Florida. Colorado and California have the highest estimated populations of mountain lions in the United States. for some excitement. There's a lot of photographs that you can see that it's very clearly a tabby cat that someone has thought was a mountain lion. ml central ma. I saw the tail end of a literally from behind the shoulder The Long Tail mountain lion crossing the highway going from Password to often Village downtown. There are an estimated 3,000 - 7,000 Mountain lions in Colorado. The deer dont eat the exotics, but they eat the competitors. Peter Biello: Today on the program Patrick Tate New Hampshire Fish and Game Wildlife biologist and far better project leader Sam Evans Brown host of an HP podcast outside in which is about the natural world and how we use it. On the other side, there are those (as represented here by Bill Betty and Bo Ottmann, along with a number of others I spoke with) who say the overwhelming quantity of anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. But before I go any further I want to say we do not have sufficient game. And trying to figure out the little pieces to identify him so I bring up the names the differences but the appearances can be confusing for some. So what those ranges. And those are not the same things. And so so with their limited staff and limited budget that is that is more and more limited every year because you know fewer people are buying hunting and fishing licenses. Or years or so. It was his great coolness and daring (either that, or fear) that enabled Crowell to shoot the animal at a distance of one rod only (roughly 16 feet), first hitting it in the leg with his shotgun, then dispatching it with a bullet to the head from a borrowed rifle. is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. They sent he sent his scent those two samples with his to Wyoming an unfortunate Fish and Game Commission there did not get a positive read on it but send it back to Central Michigan University where they did a nuclear micro satellite DNA analysis and found no significant difference between that scat and other scats that were tested from the Rocky Mountain region. New Hampshire Public Radio | MassWildlife uses evidence-based criteria to confirm reports of mountain lions and does not investigate or confirm reports without evidence. Growing up in northern Vermont, Id heard stories of sightings, though always a few steps removed from the tellersomebodys cousin had seen a cougar cross the road on their way home from deer camp up in Canaan (or was it Coventry? but won big 2night. What's interesting about Bobcats is here in the Northeast we have some very large bobcats. Love hearing these stories. This is a machine-generated transcript, and may contain errors. Want to put this to to Patrick Tate who may have heard some some info or info from listeners like you about these these these cats. But people in the region are posting like crazy online to the New England Mountain Lion Sighting Bulletin. Many people do not realize how large a grown Bobcat is. So one thing that I find fascinating about this Connecticut cat was six months between the New York situation where they found evidence of it too when it was hit by a motor vehicle. Its documented through track surveys, aerial surveys, trapping and collaring surveys. You know, weve had so many home entries this year. This assessment is echoed by the aforementioned Christopher Spatz, who has been studying cougars for better than 20 years. They're the generalists that made it through both the arrival of the Clovis people with their with their spears and then the Europeans with their guns. So you want identifiable backgrounds. And it came out we could see it had and we could see its long swooping tail. I was a Bobcat we saw it and I have a picture of it. The nonbelievers are going to say Show us your evidence and show us prove this to us. Patrick Tate: It became a very interesting investigation over time because it started becoming. Im gonna get hammered for it, he sighed. Ottmann nodded. When a cats around, its not hard to find evidence. I just saw the head and the tail that was leaving. And I just said I saw I saw they from behind the shoulder all the way past the long tail. It traveled all the way from from you know Minnesota to New York without being so seen Patrick take. Peter Biello: Mm hmm. So there's even debate about that very subject. Listeners we'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. Sort of dropped onto the SD card of a camera he'd set up out in the wild. At first, I thought it was pretty, but then it kept spreading on the edge of the woodlands next to my lawn. Please let us know how we can improve this page. Patrick Tate: I've had hunters hang deer carcasses forbidding wildlife entries. It is also known as cougar, panther, mountain lion, and puma, though catamount is the preferred regional vernacular. It is a gravel road and when the plows clear the road in the winter (or grade it in summer) they spread the invasive all along the edge. Now again I don't know that there's anything to that. Many people do not realize how large a grown Bobcat is. I wish I could see it again! They're very loyal to what the handler which makes them very dangerous to everyone else. Any sense of of whether or not mountain lions are sort of wary of more population dense areas like like the one he was describing Rick. 50 feet above the most. Peter Biello: This is NHK PR Good morning and HP are summer car raffle is back and now's the time to get your early bird tickets. But you've done some reporting on this. A NatureWatch reader asks if a big cat they saw during a recent walk on October Mountain could be a mountain lion, like the one seen in this image from Pixabay. Despite this fact, Massachusetts residents continue to report mountain lion sightings. But one day. You need a permit to have that. Well let me ask maybe Pat and Rick about this. All of which is to say that if Alexander Crowell wasnt afraid on that long-ago Thanksgiving Day, he probably should have been. Sam Evans-Brown: So I just had two thoughts which is that we hear a lot of these stories and all of us here have heard these stories. If you dont think cougars are coming to the East, think again, she said, leaning forward for emphasis. The Connecticut mountain lion is the best documented wild Mountain Lion in New England. I've collected scat samples I've got several in my collection. Just. Well let's hear from from Sue Morse again science director for the organization keeping track. On the idea of bear hunting in Connecticut. Peter Biello: This is the exchange on an HD PR fine Peter Biello and today we're talking with folks who can tell us about the mysterious elusive mountain line and whether or not it is actually here in New Hampshire. Peter Biello: Rick I believe you did mention that that they do leave carcasses up in the tree from time to time but are there any other species known in New Hampshire to do this on a regular basis. John thanks. Carol Ann P., of Hinsdale, wrote, Thank you for the very informative article on invasive species! Sunny today high temperatures low to mid 80s it'll be clear tonight overnight lows in the 50s for tomorrow sunshine with high temperatures mid to upper 80s. But that was OK. Bo Ottmannknew they were out there. October 24, 2010. in News World. If these animals are not in the habitat, what we see is an overabundance of herbivores., The ecologist John Laundre, who has spent 35 years studying cougars, concurs. They just end up in these places. 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. He soon developed a five-question litmus test: How far away were you? But no proof was offered. Peter Biello: So if they were female mountain lions here they would be more males just because that's what they're looking for. All they think it traveled north through Canada up you know crossed across the Great Lakes and then and then down again through New York State. It was in the spring flash kind of early summer and my wife looked at you look at the size of an adult bear and we were up in arms. New Hampshire Public Radio | So what I'm getting back is the verifying and confirming of evidence what that was not there. Mountain lions live in the state. So they're not afraid of humans and they'll show up like a regular housecat. Japanese knotweed and phragmites are the bane of my existence on our road. Sam. Confirmed reports of mountain lions in Massachusetts ; track sets or photos of track sets; other tangible physical evidence verified by qualified professionals. Alleged Athol MA picture - By weather01089 September 8, 2016 at 12:35:45 PM. NHPR is nonprofit and independent. I'm Peter B yellow. So this whole illegal pet trade black market pro trade thing does does exist in a situation like that can happen. And I was probably about a half a mile from downtown all village on the right. Today she talked with us a little bit before the show about why the mountain line is so compelling and why we want it to be part of our world. So its this gathering storm. Bearded, bowler hat, expression impenetrable behind facial hair and the stoicism of an earlier era. We live around Cold Springs Campground and it was undeniably a mountain lion. So maybe a good pet for you but not for your neighbor if you just stop by unannounced. Just one quick point I think I think when we we talk about these conspiracy theories the real story is that fish and game is an agency that that is short on budget and staff. But other hard evidence of the big cats presence is elusive. He knew it was only a matter of time. So the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station has a database on mountain lion and they can identify. Connecticut Dept. Someone's got to see one they're very secretive. The catamount is a creature of stealth and concealment; it stalks its prey, which on the EasternSeaboard would likely be deer, moose, porcupines, beavers, and domestic livestock. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. We mentioned that one cat that was hit by a car where it has it that it was a male looking for me. Mountain lions also have tails that can grow up to 3 feet. Open MF, 8 a.m.4 p.m. (closed noon12:30 for lunch). And it was you know 10 or 12 people saw it all at once. Hawley, a wildlife biologist with the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, says data dont support a breeding population of mountain lions in Connecticut. Most mountain lion sightings are reported without any evidence other than eyewitness descriptions. A monthly donation of $5 makes a real difference. Patrick Tate: Well. No that's a little bit outside the range. All the latest news and updates of New England Mountain Lion Sighting Bulletin Board's Message Board. So they're scary. support for an HBO who comes from you our listener Sam from advanced in you a local New Hampshire nonprofit specializing in college student loans and student refinancing options. Wildlife do really crazy things, and you just never know.. The last catamount killed in Vermont stands under glass just inside the doors to the Vermont Historical Museum in Montpelier, a hop, skip, and a jump down the block from the statehouse. I do this shit.. Sam Evans-Brown: I just want to say the bang and word you just heard I think to me exemplifies why it's really hard to come up with with positive you know 100 percent certain evidence that you've that what you've got is a mountain lions. There's no attraction. So here we have you know a very qualified biologist who who found a print took a plaster cast found a scat send it to a university.
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