A copy of a valid Certificate of Authorization to offer
It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. October 3rd, 2019.
and/or Tunnel Inspections to be provided. Projects will be located throughout the State. Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide noise analysis services for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011. All publications and specifications
2. The work will generally consist of roadway lighting contract plan development for the following project: State Project U335-70-5.80 00; Federal Project HSIP-0070(159)D, I-70 Roadway Lighting Installation in Ohio County. unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the
3. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months. This project is being developed as a Public-Private-Partnership (P3) procurement for the following locations: The following submitters have met the minimum requirements and are deemed eligible to bid on the designated US35 PPP project(s). The existing northbound and southbound bridges are each approximately 1,553 feet long by 44 feet 7 inches wide and are located near the town of Danville. Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following six projects: Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the acquisition, processing and display of roadway data suitable for use in the Divisions Pavement Management System, Maintenance Management System, Geographic Information System and Highway Performance Monitoring System. Among the six projects is a project to clean and paint nine interstate bridges and six interstate ramps through downtown Charleston. Bids for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project U330-65/5-0.25 00, Fed Project BR-0655(012)DandState Project U341-19-14.47, Rebid for Appraisal Services for Project S339-7-2.32 0000 and Rebid forAppraisal for State Projects S309-18-15.92 00,Fed Project NFA-0018(126). It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control project inspection, documentation services, and related duties as required on the I-64 29TH STREET TO MERRITT CREEK project. KOKOSING
rate may be utilized. The DOH's District 10, consisting of McDowell,. Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this Request for Qualifications should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division at 304-558-9667 or e-mail to: James.M.Colby@wv.gov. The bridge carries two
The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects in various counties. 1 TRETTR (Level 1)
Phase 1 will be from the intersection of County Route (CR) 50/32 with West Virginia (WV) Route 131 (Milepost (MP) 0.92) to the westbound ramps of WV 279 (MP 2.20). All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services. Survey & Mapping data will be provided to the Consultant, but additional services may be required. The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project: Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. June 21st, 2019. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment will be required. Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Servicesfor State Project S330-6-0.52,FederalProject BR-0006(026)D. Rebids for Appraisal Servicesfor State Project U331-705-0.68 00,FederalProject STP-0705(007)D. ReBid forAppraisal Services for State Project U354-14-11.08, Federal Project CMAQ-0014(109)D. Bids for Appraisal Services& Appraisal Review ServicesforState Project S317-9-5.09, Federal Project BR-0009(154)D, State Project U331-705-0.68 00, Federal Project STP-0705(007)D,& State Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00/G020-HDQ-6 00. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website. The West Virginia Division of Highways announces upcoming projects for bid, or lettings, through their site - click here. Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services related to Transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. CormanConstruction
The work will generally consist of the preparation of, but not necessarily be limited to, contract plans (signing, traffic signal, pavement markings and roadway lighting), traffic impact studies, traffic engineering studies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects (planning studies, systems engineering and contract plans), TMC support and incident management planning, highway safety improvement projects (studies, crash data analysis, Highway Safety Manual analysis and contract plans), project or program management and review services, asset and data management assistance to support traffic data programs as well as other related services. cognizant agency. Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the
2 TRET SR (Level 4)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various signing, lighting, traffic signals, and ITS devices (CCTV cameras, dynamic message signs, etc.) Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S323-73-2.31 00. 2 - level 3
It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:
54-0626. 00, City of Rand Drainage, which includes the stormwater system in Rand, West Virginia. have 13 girder spans, 11 piers, and two abutments with an overall length of
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering Design Bid Build and Design Build services for roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous highway-related projects. Primary services to include, but not limited to, bridge deck surveys, smoothness evaluations, seismic testing, ground penetrating radar, etc., at locations to be designated by Highways. Services for calendar year 2022. This
The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in this RFQ. Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required for the full depth rehabilitation of 1-64 between Milton and the US 35 Interchange at Crooked Creek. Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide Planning services for various programs and miscellaneous projects. State Project S225-90/3-0.03 00 and State Project U325-90/3-0.03 00, Hutchinson Truss, which carries Marion County Route (CR) 90/3 over the West Fork River, and is located approximately 0.03 mile east of United States Route (US) 19 in Marion County, West Virginia. 3", 82' 6", 111' 8", 101' 2", and 94' 1". Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement. Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation/State Rail Authority that consulting services will be utilized for the preparation of a State Rail Plan (SRP) for the State of West Virginia that reflects the rail transportation planning needs in West Virginia. Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project X341-125-0.02 00Federal Project DE-0062(824)TRaleigh and SummersCounties. 2 - Level 3
The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 18 months. Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S342-33-18.68 00, Fed. 2)
The Consultant may also provide services in construction management, inspection, QA/QC, and material inspection. (EN) FEDERAL PROJECT NHPP0484117
254-0635. CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WBOY) Tired of construction on Interstate 79? Manual, AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of
One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced
1 TRET SR (Level 4 Lead Inspector)
demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia,
A design study has been completed. The upcoming MCU film Thunderbolts, focusing on misfit heroes and former villains, is scheduled to kick off principal photography in June, but even if the script is finished by that point, if the WGA strike is still ongoing, a hampered shoot would occur. Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Servicesfor State Project S324-83/14-0.03,FederalProject BR-8314(002)D. Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Servicesfor State Project S302-1-1.57,FederalProject BR-0001(224)D. Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Servicesfor State Project PM08-4-MONO-1,FederalProject APD-483(25), andState Project PM87-6-MARS-1, Lease No. Notice for Consulting Services. The Consultant shall investigate feasible funding sources, such as applying and obtaining available grants, explore realignment to chase available coal seams, and produce a realistic financial plan for the entire Corridor. Letter of Qualification and one unpriced prospectus are required and must
Engineering Firms interested in being considered for these projects must submit a Letter of Qualification and one unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Bridge Preservation Section Manager, Operations Division, Division of Highways, by email to DOHMaintenanceLOQ@wv.gov prior to 4:00 p.m. on January 9, 2023
The project is in an MS4 area; therefore, the Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. 6. . If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2015 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension. Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for the design and construction of the Wellsburg Bridge in Brooke County, West Virginia. Fort Henry Bridge, State Project No. The 1,654 foot bridge consists of five spans, spans one and two are continuous welded plate girder spans and spans three thru five are a delta frame. Greenhorne & OMara
Additionally testers are to be certified by the Department of Environmental Protection (33 CSR 30). This project shall consist of Consultant Services for the development and preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of approximately 9.15 miles of new 4-lane highway as per the Alignment and Resource Plans dated April 2017. PUTNAM\MASON
may be made for this work. 3)
The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects throughout the state. Project B
Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:
Existing asset information may also be collected to supplement or update the data previously collected such as guardrail, signs, sign assemblies, signals, barriers, pavement markings, rumble strips, shoulders, curb ramps, lighting, etc.
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