I can see that the back room deals and unofficial donations will be more transparent in the future. Interesting to note, astrologically speaking, King Charles III (Scorpio) will hold his coronation under the influence of the Full Moon (crescendo), radiating in his zodiac sign of Scorpio (personal income expenditure) opposite the money sign of Taurus (taxpayers money). The issue is not the virus, it is the failure of the tourism industry. Both companies are losing billions due to adverse planetary aspects both personally and company-wise. What about the Nationals? Here the complication arises that the senators coming up for election were those elected at the 2016 half-Senate election. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Divine guidance seems to be always about reflection, and we have all been through a lot. It literally fell on the floor, from my desk. It moves, dramatically, into Aquarius history made from March 2023 as the first full year of Canberra government begins. At the moment we are still stuck in a long Pluto in Capricorn cycle, when indigenous Australians, in common with traditional owners of lands around the world, have to push back against big business and government. Fate decreed that everyone born in the Sixties would have Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. I just spent the weekend down amongst giant red tingle (eucalypts) endemic to the area.. The white dog represents male politicians and having to look up to women politicians and respect them more due to the election results on that day. We may see resignations. This new future begins in March 2023 and Aquarius has always been about minorities. Contact Milton They are happy to rend society apart with inequality, with waste, with natural destruction to make a point, or to score one. The current Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, has chosen an unhelpful date for the 2022 election. Back in August 1940, Mercury was on a retrograde loop in the zodiac signs Leo and Cancer. People will change their minds, actually in the voting booth. We are seeing Mercury Retrograde and other factors, on the May 21st election, which we saw on the two previous hung parliaments. Sun in the sky These Aquarian groups tend to be all beliefs; all genders, ages, sexual preferences, classes. Thank you. I just want to say that I hope the two party collusion ends with this election. These polls collected data on parties' primary vote, and contained an estimation of the two-party-preferred vote.They also asked questions about the electorates' views on major party leaders. The JWS Research True Issues report found that cost of living pressures and hospitals, health and ageing are the salient issues for Australian voters heading into the 2022 election. This woman will also change the view we see things in Australia. Musk, with an adverse Uranus pattern, sudden and unexpected, will have continuous problems with his companys share listing until May 2025. One of the really useful things about my job, is that it shows me the sociology (the generations affected by a pandemic) and also the history (the same patterns repeating, telling us what to do/what not to do). That's because tax receipts are running . I also believe that Scott will also leave politics soon and it will go to Josh frydenberg. Murdoch has a long astrological haul ahead of him during 2024/25 with Saturn (restriction) crossing his natal Sun (first time for 30 years) which may also take a certain toll on his company, and his health. Rupert Murdoch is an interesting one. Jessica, Now, thats synchronicity. southnode My Birth ChartSouthNode 05 aries My Birth Chart Aries 38 33 The seven predicted losses to Labor are Reid and Robertson in New South Wales, Brisbane in Queensland, Swan in Western Australia, Chisholm in Victoria, Boothby in South Australia, and Bass in Tasmania. Congratulations for calling it and how it is panning out! So what is this Aquarius weather? US forces can expect an initial period of unpreparedness during the next two years, due to Capitol Hill budgets. ops My Birth ChartOps Who will win the Australian election in 2022? See more resources on Google. The Fool with the white dog?? Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. The timing for federal elections is determined by a combination of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Act) and the Australian Constitution.The exact technicalities are discussed in detail in a Parliamentary Library publication; however, the abbreviated version is . I will have a look at this, at the BBC website and The Guardian, Washington Post and ITV. It is even happening within the Greens and thats pretty niche. 2006-2021 Switzer. Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks at a press conference during a visit to a housing site in the suburb of Armstrong Creek, on May 18, 2022 in Geelong, Australia. With Mars (emergency) moving into Leo (government) from the 20th, expense and defence security will be the topics of conversation and there will be an abundance of recommended financial outlay. I will email you a copy of your horoscope, trends for the year, and daily aspects for 12 months. During Friday 5 May to Sunday 7 May, the transiting planetary line-up for Charles will indicate an excellent terrestrial pattern overall which should add to the coronations success. Never trust opinion polls on this cycle. There are many more billions of people on the planet today with Virgo and Sixth House factors, than there were before the Sixties. By. So, Hanson got a six-year term and Waters a three-year term. So many people I have spoken to do not want to vote for either party. Uranus has not been in Taurus since the war. The most famous recent example of a Mercury Retrograde election was Donald Trumps failed bid for presidency against Joe Biden, with Mike Pence. Markets could recover to a degree this month. I suspect Scott Morrison really used that Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces to secretly organise an alternative career with the Pentecostal church. The other big concern in 2022 is Climate Emergency. That took 17 days of Mercury Retrograde bargaining. Due to the lack of equity in the Federal vs State governments a method of rattling the political parties cages is to place Liberal, Labor, Nationals and Greens last on the ballot papers. There is also direct karma for all three men, on Friday 13th May (yes, that is the correct date) going back to September 2003. Astrology It is always about the group of unique individuals, each with equal power. Posters and pamphlets, websites and Twitter accounts. This just doesnt feel like the Dutton-Morrison-Frydenberg combination at all. However, as you point out, yellow is a significant colour too. Ill explain the astrology of that next. As an astrologer youd say that politicians share activities with Qantas, Jetstar and Virgin and Sydney Airport would be high on the list. With no major power, telecommunications, social media, GPS, TV, radio, banking, and financial transactions the world can expect havoc. King Charles will encounter his most turbulent kingship, health, and family years during August 16, 2029, to June 23, 2031. War between these years, or any world war, will not be just a conventional offensive, it could be catastrophic with the eventual use of anti-satellite missiles to destroy specified electrical communications in space and around the globe; nuclear would be used for certain global targets, and US, China, and Russia would be using electromagnetic and laser-type apparatus to disrupt water supply, power stations and grids that would create chaos for the global population. You know how I feel She ends up as a Sun Gemini country, if we base her latest rebirth on the vote for the rights of First Nations people. Is it possible The Fool card refers to Anthony Albanese? I have seen Toto Albaneses Twitter account. Hes leaving the scene. Watching the two leaders on the campaign trail, I feel that Scott Morrison is well rehearsed and very polished but fake and cocky. They are far more likely to vote with their friends, and to vote for politicians who respect diversity. So, what about this Age and SMH poll? It is possible this country could be born again as a Republic if there is a referendum on the monarchy and we would then gain another chart which might show greater power for First Nations people. By posting a comment you grant Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to publish your comment including your name. Hung Parliaments in Astrology This is not a Libra election day, nor in fact a Libra election year. How we get there, isnt clear yet, but I think it augurs well that Albanese has the Moon in Gemini. I love it. Here I get daring and I expect to be wrong in quite a few Banks: 5th, 18th, 19th, 23rd. During this protracted 2023-2031 period, King Charles will encounter countless difficult moments, and his popularity may wane, forcing governments in countries of the Commonwealth to consider public opinion by voting to become republics. Theyre about unions not corporations. COUNTRIES PRESENTLY UNDER ASTROLOGICAL ADVERSITY That says a lot about Australia. Unfortunately the Liberal Party, National Party and individuals within it, are notorious for lacking correct data. The question of how it could be avoided, really depends on how long anyone can delay final commitments for. Cheers JC. A significant number of lower house seats have already been predicted by me (with my reasoning) in my articles of April 28 How Abbott, Morrison and Hawke bungled Warringah and of May 4 My predictions for five once blue ribbon Liberal seats. seat. And.. seats, but I begin by saying the Liberal Party will lose the most seats, eight More than half of the 700,000 new enrolments to the Australian Electoral Commission were from 18-24 year olds. 2022 is an exact mirror of 2010, when Prime Minister Julia Gillard was up against Tony Abbott and it took 17 days for Australian voters to see a final, hung parliament. It is interesting that the only sign not represented in the election day chart is Libra. Mercury Rx elections are always interesting..? And so it has come to pass. This looks like an election upset, according to the heavens. AIDS is controlled and managed these days. She is a Sun Scorpio. Also that Fool tarot card to me looks like women being the major winners on that day. The other concern is people voting by telephone, because they are infected with COVID-19. Add Greens and Independents and the total non-coalition number is 75. salacia My Birth ChartSalacia With the US dollar presently being the dominant reserve currency for the purchase of oil, aircraft, shipping, gold, financial exchange, stock exchange, etc, the US has the power to print money when required, pushing it into greater debt. This is the diverse group, not the elite. In NSW and Victoria we were hit HARD by delta and then Omicron during 21/22. My friend, the bestselling novelist Tara Moss (left) is a good person to follow @Tara_Moss, if you are interested in activists in Australia, this election. President Joe Biden will also arrive from the US to address the Australian Federal Parliament while attending the Quad conference in Australia, hoping to prop up his personal ratings for the 2024 Presidential Election.
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