The vast majority of contemporary published multiple baseline designs describe the timing of phases in terms of sessions rather than days or dates. Single-case intervention research design standards. The across-tier comparison of concurrent multiple baseline designs is less certain and definitive than it may appear. The withdrawal phase of an A-B-A design is important because it shows that the results of the intervention weren't just a result of a difference in time. Perspectives on Behavior Science Type I errors and power in multiple baseline designs. (2020) make a somewhat different methodological criticism of nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs. (pp. PubMedGoogle Scholar. How many tiers do we need? Any alternative explanation of this pattern of results would have to posit an alternative set of causes that could plausibly result in changes in the dependent variable in this specific pattern across the multiple tiers. Google Scholar, Harvey, M. T., May, M. E., & Kennedy, C. H. (2004). The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education. In this article, we first define multiple baseline designs, describe common threats to internal validity, and delineate the two bases for controlling these threats. Behavioral Assessment, 7(2), 129132. We are not pointing to flaws in execution of the design; we are pointing to inherent weaknesses. Some researchers believe ABAB is a stronger design since it has multiple reversals. Smith, J. D. (2012). The within-tier analysis seeks replication of these potential treatment effects in additional tiers of the design. The concurrent multiple baseline design opened up many new opportunities to conduct applied research in contexts that were not amenable to other SCDs. We recommend that multiple baseline design be defined as a single-case experimental design that evaluates causal relations through multiple baseline-treatment comparisons with phase changes that are sufficiently offset in (1) real time (i.e., calendar date), (2) number of days in baseline, and (3) number of sessions in baseline. Kazdin, A. E. (2021). The first is the reversal design and the authors describe the important applied limitation with this designsituations in which reversals are not possible or feasible in applied settings. Carr (2005) invokes this prediction, verification, and replication logic, and concludes, The nonconcurrent MB design only controls for threats associated with maturation/exposure; it does not control for historical [coincidental events] threats to internal validity, as does a concurrent MB design (p. 220). These views of multiple baseline designs have been carried through into much of the single-case methodological literature and textbooks to the current day. With control for coincidental events in multiple baseline designs resting squarely on replicated within-tier comparisons, there is no basis for claiming that, in general, concurrent designs are methodologically stronger than nonconcurrent designs. Thus, to the degree that nonconcurrent designs support longer lags between phases changes than concurrent designs, they may support stronger control of the threat of coincidental events through replicated within-tier comparisons. WebMULTIPLE BASELINE DESIGN Most widely used for evaluating treatment effects in ABA Highly flexible Do not have to withdraw treatment variable Is an alternative to reversal We use function of elapsed time descriptively rather than causally. If each tier of a multiple baseline represents a different participant in a different environment (e.g., school versus clinic) located in a different city, this would further reduce the chance that any single event or pattern of events could have contacted the participants coincident with the phase changes. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. A close examination of threats to internal validity in multiple baseline designs reveals and clarifies the critical design features that determine the degree of experimental control and internal validity of either type of multiple baseline. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 49(2), 193211. Without these dimensions of lag explicitly stated in the definition, we cannot claim that multiple baseline designs will necessarily include the features required to establish experimental control., Shadish, W. R., & Sullivan, K. J. The strength of this control is a function of our certainty that no single coincidental event could have caused more than one change in the dependent variable. WebExtended baselines or interventions may threaten experimental control, delayed intervention may pose a risk to client or others as an ethical concern. Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). If either of these assumptions are not valid for a coincidental event, then the presence and function of that event would not be revealed by the across-tier analysis. Other threats to internal validity such as (1) ambiguous temporal precedence, (2) selection, (3) regression, (4) attrition, and (5) instrumentation are addressed primarily through other design features. He acknowledged that earlier authors had stated that multiple baselines must be concurrent and he noted that in a nonconcurrent multiple baseline the across-tier comparison could not reveal coincidental events. Hayes, S. C. (1981). Journal of Behavioral Education, 13(4), 213226. Webmultiple baseline (3 forms) 1. across bx 2. across settings, 3. across subjects or groups using 3-5 tiers. This has been the sharpest point of criticism of nonconcurrent multiple baselines. in their classic 1968 article that defined applied behavior analysis. As we mentioned above, across-tier comparisons require the assumptions that coincidental events will (1) contact and (2) have similar effects on all tiers of the design. Advantages and Disadvantages of ABA Design. The issue of concurrence of tiers should be considered along with many other design variations that can be manipulated to create a design that fits the particular experimental challenges of a particular study. Additionally, the This raises the question of how many replications are necessary to establish internal validity. For example, in a multiple baseline across participants, all the residents of a group home may contact peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch but this change may disrupt the behavior of residents with a mild peanut allergy, but not other residents. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. On the other hand, if we see a change in a treated tier and no change in untreated tiers, does this constitute strong evidence to rule out threats to internal validity? According to conventional wisdom, concurrent multiple baselines are superior because they allow for across-tier comparisons that can rule out coincidental events. . On resolving ambiguities of the multiple-baseline design: Problems and recommendations. Based on the logic laid out in this article, we believe that the treats of maturation and testing and session experience are controlled equivalently in concurrent and nonconcurrent design. WebAB design advantages - -simple to use AB design disadvantages - -cannot be used to make a confident assumption of a functional relation -vulnerable to confounding variables -does not provide for replication AB design - basic single subject design AB design has two phases of design - A: Baseline B: Intervention Reversal Design referred to as - Oxford University Press. All three of these dimensions of lag are necessary to rigorously control for commonly recognized threats to internal validity and establish experimental control. In such an instance, there may be a disruption to experimental control in only one-tier of the design and not others, thus influencing the degree of internal Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Kennedy, C. H. (2005). Nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs for educational program evaluation. Second, we briefly summarize historical methodological writing and current textbook treatment of these designs. Houghton Mifflin. The Nonconcurrent Multiple-Baseline Design: It is What it is and Not Something Else. However, an across-tier comparison is not definitive because testing or session experience could affect the tiers differently. However, ina concurrent multiple baseline across settings a setting-level event would contact only a single tierthe design would be inherently insensitive to these coincidental events. Throughout their discussion of SCD, these authors describe experimental control in terms of three processes: prediction, verification, and replication. When determining whether a multiple baseline study demonstrates experimental control, researchers examine the data within and across tiers and also consider the extent to which alternative explanations (e.g., extraneous variables or confounds) could plausibly account for the obtained data patterns. Recognizing these three dimensions of lag has implications for reporting multiple baseline designs. That is, experimental control has not been convincingly demonstrated. (2011). An example of multiple baseline across behaviors might be to use feedback to develop a comprehensive exercise program that involves stretching, aerobic exercise, Second, as we have discussed above, the amount of lag between phase changes (in terms of sessions in baseline, days in baseline, and elapsed days) is the primary design feature that reduces the plausibility of any single threat accounting for changes in multiple tiers, and thereby threatening the internal validity of the design as a whole. Therefore, we believe that these features should be explicitly included in the definition of multiple baseline designs. WebNew Mexico's Flagship University | The University of New Mexico Multiple baseline and multiple probe designs. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 49(2), 193211. On the other hand, across-tier comparisons may be strengthened by arranging tiers to be as similar as possible so that they would be more likely to be exposed to the same coincidental events. That is, session numbers do not necessarily correspond to the same periods of real time across tiers. We examine how these comparisons address maturation, testing and session experience, and coincidental events. This understanding of the primary role of replicated within-tier comparisons also implies that, when there is a trade-off, design options that improve control through the within-tier comparisons should take precedence over those that would improve control through across-tier comparisons. Other design features that contribute to the isolation of tiers such that any single extraneous variable is unlikely to contact multiple tiers can also strengthen the independence of tiers. WebDisadvantage: Covariance among subjects may emerge if individuals learn vicariously through the experiences of other subjects Also, identifying multiple subjects in the same We use the term potential treatment effect to emphasize that the evidence provided by this single AB within-tier comparison is not sufficient to draw a strong causal conclusion because many threats to internal validity may be plausible alternative explanations for the data patterns. An important drawback of pre-experimental designs is that they are subject to numerous threats to their validity. In addition, arranging tiers that are isolated in other dimensions (e.g., location, behaviors, participants) confers overall strength, not weakness, for addressing coincidental events. Web14 : A multiple-baseline design requires that the targeted behavior return to baseline levels when the treatment is removed. For example, phase changes in two consecutive tiers may be lagged by three sessions, but if one to three sessions are conducted per day, the baseline phases could include the same number of days (problem for controlling maturation) and the phase change could occur on the same day in both tiers (problem for controlling coincidental events). Under the proposed definition, such a study would not be considered a full-fledged multiple baseline. The general steps for the development of the line graphs are as follows: 1. These events would contact all tiers of a MB that take place in that single setting, but not tiers in other settings. Second, the across-tier comparison assumes that extraneous variables will affect multiple tiers similarly. However, this kind of support is not necessary: lagged replications of baseline predictions being contradicted by data in the treatment phase provide strong control for all of these threats to internal validity. Finally, we make recommendations for more rigorous use, reporting, and evaluation of multiple baseline designs. Therefore, researchers must exercise extreme caution in interpreting and generalizing the results from pre-experimental studies. Given this dilemma, priority should be given to optimizing the within-tier comparisons because this is the comparison that can confer stronger control. Single-case research designs: Methods for clinical and applied settings (3rd ed.). A potential treatment effect in any single tier could plausibly be explained as a result of a coincidental event. WebMultiple-Baseline Designs There are two potential problems with the reversal designboth of which have to do with the removal of the treatment. Potential setting-level events include staffing changes in classroom, redecoration or renovation of the physical environment, and changes in the composition of the peer group in a classroom, group home, or worksite. Under these conditions, the experimental rigor of concurrent multiple baselines is identical to nonconcurrent multiple baselines; coincidental events that contact a single tier cannot be detected by an across-tier analysis. . These observations lead us to the conclusion that neither of the critical assumptions that coincidental events will (1) contact and (2) have similar impact on all tiers can be assumed to be valid. Third, we explore how concurrent and nonconcurrent multiple baselines address each of the main threats to internal validity. Textbooks commonly describe and characterize the design without clearly defining it. This insensitivity is not due to poor experimental design or implementation, it is built in to the nature of multiple baseline designs across participants. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. Hayes argued that fortunately the logic of the strategy does not really require (p. 206) an across-tier comparison because the within-tier comparison rules out these threats. On the other hand, if we observe that one tier shows a change whereas other tiers that have been observed for similar amounts of time do not show similar changes, this may reduce the plausibility of the maturation threat. That is, it is not strong evidence verifying the prediction of no change in the initial tier in the absence of an intervention. Three phonological patterns were targeted for each child. Further, for both types of multiple baselines, the threat of coincidental events should be evaluated primarily based on replicated within-tier comparisons. An important question for researchers, reviewers, and readers of research is whether the amount of lag is sufficient for a specific study. If we observe a potential treatment effect in one tier and corresponding changes in untreated tiers after similar amounts of time (i.e., number of days), maturation becomes a more plausible alternative explanation of the initial potential treatment effect. Single case experimental design and empirical clinical practice. Threats to Internal Validity in Multiple-Baseline Design Variations. Psychological Methods, 17(4), 510550. Behavior Research Methods, 43(4), 971980. A critical requirement of the within-tier analysis is that no single extraneous event could plausibly cause the observed changes in multiple tiers. The consensus in recent textbooks and methodological papers is that nonconcurrent designs are less rigorous than concurrent designs because of their presumed limited ability to address the threat of coincidental events (i.e., history). Single-case research designs: Methods for clinical and applied settings (3rd ed.). The present article is focused on the second questionwhether systematic changes in data can be attributed to the treatment., Hayes, S. C. (1981). must have stable baseline and tx in first bx, Article Although the across-tier comparison may detect some coincidental events; it cannot be assumed to detect them all. because a non-concurrent design does not allow any AB comparisons across baselines, it omits the opportunity to see if responding under the control condition changes when the treatment condition is implemented in the other baseline. Sometimes, the multiple baseline design may be more appropriate to use in interventions with small sample For example, two rooms in the same treatment center would share more coincidental events than a room in a treatment center and another room at home. They describe the control afforded by the design: The experimenter is assured that his treatment variable is effective when a change in rate appears after its application while the rate of concurrent (untreated) behaviors remains relatively constant (p. 226). Research methodologists have identified numerous potential alternative explanations that are threats to internal validity (e.g., Campbell & Stanley, 1963; Cooper et al., 2020; Kazdin, 2021; Shadish et al., 2002). These baseline-treatment comparisons, which we will refer to as tiers, differ from one another with respect to participants, behaviors, settings, stimulus materials, and/or other variables. Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. This might be conveniently reported in the methods section or a small table in an appendix. However, researchers in clinical, educational, and other applied settings recognized that they could expand research much further if the tiers of a multiple baseline could be conducted as they became available sequentially rather than simultaneously. Having identified the criticisms of nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs, we now turn to a detailed analysis of threats to internal validity and features that can control these threats. Use of brief experimental analyses in outpatient clinic and home settings. Cooper et al. Smith (2012) found that SCD was reported in 143 different journals that span a variety of fields such as behavior analysis, psychology, education, speech, and pain management; across these fields, multiple baselines account for 69% of SCDs. Table 1 summarizes these threats to internal validity and the dimension of lag necessary to control for each. Peer reviewers and editors who serve as gatekeepers for the scientific literature must also have a deep understanding of these issues so that they can distinguish between stronger and weaker research, ensure that information critical to evaluating internal validity is included in research reports, and assess the appropriateness of discussion and interpretation of results. volume45,pages 647650 (2022)Cite this article. These variables share the key characteristic that their impact would be expected to accumulate as a function of number of experimental sessions. Watson and Workman did not explicitly address threats to internal validity other than coincidental events. WebWeaknesses of multiple baseline designs: There are certain functional relations that may not be clearly understood by this design This design is time consuming and Remedial and Special Education, 34(1), 2638., Department of Special Education & Rehabilitation Counseling, Utah State University, 2865 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT, 84322, USA, Timothy A. Slocum,Sarah E. Pinkelman,P. Raymond Joslyn&Beverly Nichols, You can also search for this author in Maturational changes may be smooth and gradual, or they may be sudden and uneven. In J. R. Ledford & D. L. Gast (Eds. AB Design. Strategies and tactics of behavioral research and practice (4th ed.). Pearson. The across-tier comparison provides another possible source of control for maturation. Still, for a given study, the results influence the number to tiers required in a rigorous multiple baseline design. This skepticism of nonconcurrent designs stems from an emphasis on the importance of across-tier comparisons and relatively low importance placed on replicated within-tier comparisons for addressing threats to internal validity and establishing experimental control. They then describe the multiple baseline technique (p. 94) and two types of comparisons that contribute to its experimental control. We have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Taplin, P. S., & Reid, J. Basic Books. (1968) who emphasized the replicated within-tier comparison. A coincidental event may contact a single unit of analysis (e.g., one of four participants) or multiple units (e.g., all participants). Given that multiple baseline designs make up such a large proportion of the existing SCD literature and current research activity, it is critical that SCD researchers thoroughly understand the specific ways that multiple baseline designs address potential threats to internal validity so that they can make experimental design decisions that optimize internal validity and accurately evaluate, discuss, and interpret the results of their research. In particular, within-tier comparisons may be strengthened by isolating tiers from one another in ways that reduce the chance that any single coincidental event could coincide with a phase change in more than one tier (e.g., temporal separation). The assumption that maturation contacted all tiers is strongparticipants were all exposed to maturational variables (i.e., unidentified biological events and environmental interactions) for the same amount of time. (p. 206). 66 : Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using visual inspection of graphs rather than statistics to evaluate the significance of the results. WebMultiple Baseline Description Multiple measures are used to obtain data over two or more baselines The end result appears visually as a series of A-B designs on top of one another The DV may consist of 2 or more different behaviors Versatile and relatively easy to understand Perhaps the most common design in use today Multiple Baseline Design If The details of situations in which this across-tier comparison is valid for ruling out threats to internal validity are more complex than they may appear. the effects of the treatment variable are inferred from the untreated behaviors (p. 227). The functional answer to this question is that there must be sufficient tiers so that none of the threats to internal validity are plausible explanations for the pattern of effects across the set of tiers. WebDisadvantages to Multiple Baseline Designs -Weaker method of showing experimental control than a reversal (b/c no withdrawal of treatment) -Delay in treatment can occur as Correspondence to Addressing the second question requires data analysis that is informed by the specifics of the study. and (2) Was any change the result of the independent variable? Later they present an overall evaluation of the strength of multiple baseline designs, attributing its primary weakness to its reliance on the across-tier comparison, The multiple baseline design is considerably weaker than the withdrawal design as the controlling effects of the treatment on each of the target behaviors is not directly demonstrated . Multiple baseline procedure. We can strongly argue that all tiers contact testing and session experience during baseline because we schedule and conduct these sessions. This would align the definition with the critical features required to demonstrate experimental control and thereby allow strong causal statements based on multiple baseline designs. The purposes of this article are to (1) thoroughly examine the impact that threats to internal validity can have on concurrent and nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs; (2) describe the critical features of each design type that control for threats to internal validity; and (3) offer recommendations for use and reporting of concurrent and nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs. A multiple baseline design with tiers conducted at different times during each day could show disruption due to this coincidental event in the tier assessed early in the day but not in tiers that are assessed later in the day. Behavior Therapy, 6(5), 601608. Although many maturational changes are gradual, more sudden changes are possible. WebThe main disadvantage of the multiple baseline design is that a high degree of planning is required to produce a successful implementation. Predi Abab Design Essay While the fact that the researcher does not use a large number of participants has its advantages, it also has a downside: Because the experimental trials are run on only one subject, it is difficult to empirically show with the experiment's data that the findings will generalize out to larger populations. Rand McNally. (2022), Revisiting an Analysis of Threats to Internal Validity in Multiple Baseline Designs, Moderation analysis in two-instance repeated measures designs: Probing methods and multiple moderator models, Examining and Enhancing the Methodological Quality of Nonconcurrent Multiple-Baseline Designs, How Many Tiers Do We Need? However, we can never ensure that any two contexts or any two session times are not subject to unique events during the study. We can identify at least three general categories of issues that influence the number of tiers required to render threats implausible: challenges associated with the phenomena under study, experimental design features, and data analysis issues. Concurrent and nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs address maturation in virtually identical ways through both within- and across-tier comparisons. Further, if the potential treatment effect is more gradual (as one might expect from an educational intervention on a complex skill), maturational changes may be impossible to distinguish from treatment effects. The non-concurrent multiple baseline across-individuals design: An extension of the traditional multiple baseline design. Journal of Behavioral Education, 13, 267276. By synchronized we mean that session 1 in all tiers takes place before session 2 in any tier, and this ordinal invariance of session number across tiers is true for all sessions. For example, it is implausible that the effects of maturation would coincide with a phase change after 5 days in one tier, after 10 days in a second tier, and after 15 days in a third. They never raise the question of whether replicated within-tier comparisons are sufficient to rule out threats to internal validity and establish experimental control. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Alternating Treatment Designs Watch on What are the disadvantages of alternating treatments?
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