His earliest inventions at ALZA comprised a progesterone-releasing contraceptive and a thin film for treating glaucoma. President Ronald Reagan expanded it in 1988 to a 30-day period beginning on September 15 and concluding on October 15. So, here are just a few of the many Hispanic creative minds who have made some of the most significant contributions to the modern world. Eyeglasses. Before developing the "BeautyBlender," Silva also worked on the sets of films, including "Friday" (1995), "Money Talks"(1997), and "Idle Hands"(1999), as well as television programs like "Girlfriends" and "Moesha.". What exactly do we have to thank him for? Born in Costa Rica, William Vsquez Ulate was granted U.S. Plant Patent PP21,549 for a "Dracaena Plant named 'Lauren.'". 3. 11 Inspiring Famous Hispanic Scientists. Victor Ochoa with his folding wing . Mara Gonzlez patented processes to diagnose invasive amebiasis, a parasitic disease that kills over 100,000 people each year. When she was 14 years old, she was the youngest human being to build an airplane, certify it airworthy, and conduct the first flight in that same aircraft. Alan Turing is the namesake behind the Turing machine, which is the basis for all computers. Ellen Ochoa was a research engineer and inventor who created optical systems for aerospace missions. Victor Ochoa invented an early form of electrical brakes. He is best known as the creator of an electrical glove called the "AcceleGlove," which converts American Sign Language hand gestures into spoken and written words. In 2006 Palmaz earned a place in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. LEMELSON CENTER for the Study of Invention and Innovation. It uses magnetic attraction to make it easier for trains to slow down. Escalante died in 2010 after a long struggle with cancer and was survived by his wife Fabiola, and two sons. Famous quote: Many people at the time said that a woman could not travel alone. Born in Per, Claudio Castilln Lvano was granted U.S. Patent 6,884,211 for a "Neonatal Artificial Bubble" that improves the intensive care of high-risk newborns. Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena (1917-1965), an electrical engineer by trade, invented a chromoscopic converter in 1940 at the age of 23. When you think of famous inventors, you probably picture Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers, or maybe even Elon Musk. For the next three hours, you enjoy the vibrant colors and pristine pictures as your favorite team defeats the opposition. Here are a select few of some of the most notable. He was also responsible for breaking the Nazi . Benjamin Valles of Chihuahua, Mexico, developed a system and a method for pre-forming cable for promoting adhesion to overmolding sensor body for Delphi Technologies Inc. While a competitor was able to get their pill to the U.S. market first, Miramontes version got approved shortly thereafter. Born in Puerto Rico, Olga D. Gonzlez-Sanabria was granted U.S. Patent 4,505,998 for "Alkaline Battery Containing a Separator of a Cross-Linked Polymer of Vinyl Alcohol and Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid." The list goes on and on. Youre the one wholl decide what you want to be.. There, she created three inventions that improved the speed and effectiveness of how computers handle information. A native of Venezuela, Dr. Humberto Fernandez-Moran Villalobos invented and patented the diamond scalpel. Called the "Enciclopedia Mecnica" (Mechanical Encyclopedia), she received several patents for the device. He was laid to rest on the grounds of the St. Edward's Catholic Church in Sutton Green, Surrey. Before Ochoa was born, her family, originally from Mexico, relocated to California, where she was born and raised. He then taught at MIT and UC San Diego. May is National Inventors Month and we couldnt be prouder to highlight these amazing Latino and Latin American inventors. But what they all had in common was an idea and a vision to deliver what they felt would make the world a better . Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Found Image Holdings/Corbis via Getty Images, BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images, chromoscopic adapter for television equipment, Instituto de Investigacin y Ensayos de Materiales (Materials Research and Testing Institute /IDIEM), first birth control pill (Enovid-10) approved, https://www.history.com/news/latino-hispanic-inventions, 7 Groundbreaking Inventions by Latino Innovators. Famous quotes: When I want to motivate myself to do more, like, if theres a particular task that I want to do but havent been able to do it, and I see that someone else has done it, I think If they can do it, I can do it., The access to contentwhat you can learn, what you can study, is growing, so anyone can learn anythingeven in their home. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. He recently won the prestigious Lemelson-MIT prize and currently works full-time as the CEO of Duolingo. Hedy Lamarr (1914-2000) You can thank Lamarr for your Bluetooth headphones and home Wi-fi. She experienced bias for being Latina and was placed in a class for academically challenged students because of it. In 2015, she co-chaired the UN Commission on Science and Technology. Latino inventors have created revolutionary devices that have transformed our everyday worldand often changed how we live. Born in Honduras, Elena Nuez was granted U.S. Patent 4,935,254 for a "Banana Flavoring Process" and three other related patents. Peral was called to Madrid by Pezuela y Lobo for a one-on-one interview. Rea Ann Silva was raised in Los Angeles, California, and studied at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. Learning Spanish not only enhances your resume, but also empowers you to make new friends from all over the world, enhance your travel experiences, and try different food from this welcoming culture. A bishop witnessed the invention in action and called it the work of the devil. The wireless phone initially scared some people so much, they destroyed his lab, and Moura had to start all over again. In 2012, she was inducted into the National Womens Hall of Fame for her work on the space shuttle Discovery. Liotta's device was implanted in a 47-year-old patient with severe heart failure. He also developed minimally-invasive neurosurgical techniques with the use of nanotechnology which have been a game-changer in the medical field. Famous quotes: We must develop a truly global roadmap to eradicate all forms of discrimination still suffered by women., Change can be for good if you combine audacity with safety.. While serving as Secretary of Health, he traveled to China and Israel, where he signed agreements with President Ephraim Katzir and Premier Chou En-lai. She went on four missions with NASA, spending 978 hours in outer space. James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, was a physical education teacher. Famous Hispanic people and inventors help us carry on Hispanic Heritage Month with pride and teach future generations about their culture and its contributions. He has led groundbreaking research in soil science to help improve soil quality and boost food production in developing countries. Professor Pedro A. Sanchez went from selling eggs in Cuba to washing dishes to fund his education at Cornell University in New York. This includes people who reported detailed Hispanic or Latino groups.". Dr. Juan Rigau Carrera is a Cuban-American inventor who has developed numerous inventions in the fields of medical diagnostics and imaging. She was the first Hispanic woman in the United States to go into space, and she holds several patents for inventions related to optical systems. There she developed three optics-related patents, which help computers process information more quickly and efficiently. Ellen grew up in the Golden State and attended San Diego State University for a degree in Physics. The primary active component of one of the first birth control pills, which Syntex Laboratories, Inc. later branded as Norinyl, was norethindrone. The Alvarezes postulated that a giant asteroid or comet hit Earth millions of years ago, causing mass extinctions. Mexican inventor Felipe Vadillo patented a method of predicting premature fetal membrane rupture in pregnant women. Will historical Friendship Park, located on the US-Mexico border, survive? According to their website: Emilio Sacristan of Santa Ursula Xitla, Mexico, invented an air-pressure powered driver for pneumatic ventricular assist device (VAD). Future microbatteries could help tiny robots tackle space and time, Dams could sustainably feed 1.15 billion people, but as a last resort, 3D fingerprints: The latest tool in the crime fighting arsenal, Lyndon Johnson established the celebration, Man makes headlines after winning the lottery with ChatGPT, Time to pay up: Facebook users can now file a claim for their cut in $725M settlement, 'Great Grandfather': Researchers may have found the world's oldest tree, Researchers have now solved how Mayans used their 819-day calendar, Electricity can heal even the worst kind of wounds three times faster, new study finds, The future of energy has a surprising 'big problem,' environmentalist Carl Pope reveals, South Korea aims to deliver the world's first solid state-batteries for EVs, The great planet debate: Pluto's redefinition is still controversial 15 years later, The science behind picking your nose The Blueprint, Two massive gravity batteries are nearing completion in the US and China, Kirkpatrick-Bez X-ray reflection microscop. The device has been used to examine living cells and to study galaxies. As the only womaninventor on this list, Doctor Mara del Socorro Flores Gonzlez won the MEXWII 2006 award for her work on diagnostic methods for invasive amebiasis. The Palmaz-Schatz Stent was given a patent, Johnson & Johnson, a healthcare provider, provided funding, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it. Because of University of Chile professor Arturo Arias Surez, scientists have the ability to measure the risks of damage related to a possible earthquake in a given location. Liotta was the author of numerous scientific articles and books, including volumes on medical humanism written in both English and Spanish. You may not know whatreCAPTCHAis, but you see it almost every time you sign into a new website. In 1995, he was awarded the National Medal of Technology and has also been inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In her era (the early 20th century), she faced many challenges as a professional Hispanic woman. The Bez X-ray reflection microscope usesX-rays to produce enlarged images of small or distant objects. authored several papers for international media outlets such as The Washington Post and The New York Times. The following are some of the most notable and important Hispanic inventors. Famous quotes: One of the greatest things in life is that no one has the authority to tell you what you want to be. The milk comes from Mothers Milk Cooperative, a group Medo created in 2013, that pays moms for milk. Hispanic inventors have made considerable contributions to science and technology throughout the ages. He was also inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2007. Liotta belonged to several international medical associations throughout his life. After more than 20 years of study and labor by Lvano and his colleagues, the United States granted Lvano's patent. Its important to acknowledge and honor diversity by crediting these amazing scientists. Maybe it will even inspire you to become an inventor yourself! You could hone your cooking skills by inviting family and friends over for aHispanic-inspired dinnerparty, host a Spanish movie night, or attend a local event put on by a Hispanic organization. 01.23.20 at 4:43 pm. 6. Theyll inspire you not only to learn Spanish but also to follow your dreams. Von Ahn, a cofounder of language-learning app Duolingo, created the cyber-security technology as a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University in 2000. At that point, the government approved the NTSC television color standard. Professor Arturo Arias Surez (1923-2003), a civil engineer who taught at the University of Chile, developed a method that made it possible for scientists to calculate the likelihood of damage from a potential earthquake in a specific area. Famous Hispanic Inventors Who Changed The World. On top of the usual festivities, were giving extra recognition to often overlooked Hispanic inventors whose contributions have benefited communities around the world. It wasnt until color TV came along that we could watch our favorite series in all the hues of the rainbow. Its those I am not a robot checkboxes and distorted text images that you have to complete before accessing certain pages. Juan Lozano, a Mexican inventor with a lifelong obsession with jet packs, invented the Rocket Belt. Cesar Chavez. With the Arias Intensity formula, building engineers can design buildings that are better equipped to withstand seismic activity. In her second patent, 276,364, granted in 1962, she changed the design by eliminating the buttons and replacing them with rotating reels that displayed the topics and study materials. The most recent biotech business formed by Zaffaroni is Alexza Pharmaceuticals. From 1958 to 1965, Arias Surez was the director of Chile's Instituto de Investigacin y Ensayos de Materiales (IDIEM, or Materials Research and Testing Institute). Here is an overview of some of the most remarkable Hispanic inventors in history. Miranda was born in 1980 in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City . Born to a family of health professionals in Panama, Murillo-Rohde studied . Norethindrone was the main active ingredient in a first birth control pill that was then trademarked as Norinyl by Syntex Laboratories, Inc. Domingo Santo Liotta, who was born in Argentina to Italian immigrants in 1924, became a pioneer in heart surgery. You probably spend a lot of time watching videos on that wireless phone of yours, but there was a time once a long ago when people would watch shows and movies in black and white. Escalante received several awards, including the Presidential Medal for Excellence for his contributions to education. She became the first Latina president of the American Health Association in 1993. He received the US patent 2296019 on September 15, 1942, for his " chromscopic adapter for television equipment". Changing the World . Wikimedia Commons. His invention became famous in its day when opera singer Jenny Lind, who had had vocal damage from overuse in her early 20s, gave him credit for rescuing her career, thanks in part to Garca's groundbreaking device. A noted Mexican-American civil rights . Born in Uruguay, Alejandro Zaffaroni has been granted over 45 patents to date, including U.S. Patent 3,598,122 "Bandage for Administering Drugs." After spending his early years in Spain, he enlisted in the Spanish navy in 1866. He then went back to the University of Chile in the 1980s. Yvonne Brill was a Canadian-American rocket scientist and aerospace engineer who is credited for inventing the hydrazine resistor, an engine used in satellites. I just worked really, really hard, and I want our generation, our children and our future generations to realize that they can fulfill the same dreams., You have to have passion for everything you do, and youve got to look at the positive side., See also: 10 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language. Ochoa also developed the adjustable wrench and the Ochoaplane (an aircraft with foldable wings). He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2002 for his work on medical devices that helped save lives. Von Ahn is also a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the language-learning software Duolingo and a consulting professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Trademarks are property of their respective owner. We strive for accuracy and fairness. It became law on August 17, 1988, after Public Law 100-402 was approved. Following the interview, Pezuela y Lobo agreed to support Peral's initial research in Cdiz with a 5,000 peseta budget before starting a project to construct a full-scale submarine boat. As the father of modern neuroscience, the list of his discoveries in this field is quite long, and most of them have very complicated names. Famous quote: Every moment in life, every opportunity is a choice to innovate and have an impact.. Nestor Alonso was an Argentine engineer who is credited with inventing the electric wheelchair for those with mobility issues. Frank Morris Lopez (he/him/his) is the Arizona lead digital organizer and content creator for Pulso. She was the Science and Technology Adviser and Secretary at John Kerry University. Nanopro is a low-cost water filter capable of eliminating fungi, viruses, and bacteria in water without affecting its flavour, smell, and colour. It doesnt require any energy to work as its simply attached to faucets and thermoses, so it can be used in both rural and urban areas. He would later make history by developing the first total artificial heart to be successfully implanted in a human in 1969. Additionally, he promoted the use of TVs to broadcast educational shows to Mexicans living in rural areas with high rates of illiteracy. His revolutionary work is something many of us benefit from directly on a regular basis. Born in Guatemala City, Dr. Luis Von Ahn was granted U.S. Patent 8,555,353 for "Methods and Apparatuses for Controlling Access to Computer Systems and for Annotating Media Files" - or Captcha for distinguishing human from machine input to prevent spam and automated extraction of data from web sites. Well, those cyber-security challenges were created by Luis von Ahn of Guatemala. She speaks extensively on climate change impact and has. Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, William R. Cumpiano was granted U.S. Patent 5,333,527 for a "Compression Molded Composite Guitar Soundboard. At the age of 100, he was received at Buckingham Palace by King Edward VII. Santiago Ramon y Cajal was a famous Hispanic inventor who was awarded the Nobel . California-born Latina Elena T. Medo patented the breast pump with wall vacuum in the late 90s. He gave the technology to Yahoo for free as the company was having issues with automated spammers. Source. Andre de Jongh, aka Dde, was the woman who formed the Comet line that helped Allied airmen get safely through occupied Belgium and France, over the Pyrenees, and into Spain and Gibraltar. "Top List of Mexican Inventors." Education is what allows you to stand out., What everyone in the astronaut corps shares in common is not gender or ethnic background, but motivation, perseverance, and desirethe desire to participate in a voyage of discovery.. The first oral contraceptive, tradename Norinyl, was manufactured by Syntex Corp. Victor Celorio patented the "Instabook Maker" a technology supporting e-book distribution by quickly and elegantly printing an offline copy. With their brilliant minds and unrelenting passion, their innovative ideas have helped change the world. It was created by Argentine surgeon Domingo Santo Liotta. Born in California, Ellen Ochoa was granted U.S. Patent 4,838,644 for "Position, Rotation, and Intensity Invariant Recognizing Method " and two other optical-related patents. LordRunar/iStock. Her fascination with the field of optics came during her time as a fellowship student at Stanford University. These are just a few of the many remarkable Hispanic inventors who have made significant contributions to technology and science. Prior to Gonzlez Camarenas invention, televisions only broadcast images in monochrome. He is credited for inventing the first cardiac pacemaker and developing an early version of the CAT scan. What is Cop City and why was a Latino Environmentalist killed there? 4. Whether they broken records, new ground, or both, the following Hispanic women changed the course of history with their talents, smarts, and determination. The name is derived from the Spanish verb chupar, which means, appropriately . Additionally, the date of October 12 also known as Columbus Day or Da de la Raza falls inside this 30-day window. He participated in the Apollo Project with NASA and taught at numerous institutions, including MIT, the University of Chicago, and the University of Stockholm. Key to the invention was the development of norethindrone, a molecule derived from a wild Mexican yam, known as the tortoise plant (dioscorea Mexicana). Your email address will not be published. The X-ray reflection microscope was created in 1948 by Paul Kirkpatrick, a Stanford physics professor, and Mexican-American physicist Albert Vinicio Bez (1912-2007). Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-hispanic-inventors-1991700. Born in Los Angeles, California in 1958, Ellen Ochoa is probably the best known example of a successful Hispanic inventor and innovator. Type above and press Enter to search. Mexican American physicist Albert Baez co-invented the x-ray microscope with Dr. Paul Kirkpatrick in 1948. Henry Ford was a savvy business entrepreneur. Ultimately, ALZA launched more than 20 prescription medications before being bought by Johnson & Johnson. The information is turned into data that a computer converts into words on a speaker or into text on a screen. Today, 50 plant species are named after her. The audio and video signals were sent in the 40-meter band at 115 MHz. Fortunately, at the time I was sufficiently ignorant of the subject not to realize how naive I was being. Ochoas family is originally from Mexico, but they moved to California before she was born. He died in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1999 at the age of 75. Take a look at our programs and prices and find out why so many people take 1-to-1 classes online at Homeschool Spanish Academy. National Association of Hispanic Nurses. Press Esc to cancel. The color transmission was broadcast direct from his laboratory in Mexico City. Shes been a pioneer in neuroscience and sustainability. Garca retired from the Royal Academy of Music in 1895 at the age of 90. Today, we see it in use pretty much everywhere on the great World Wide Web. Born in Uruguay, Alejandro Zaffaroni was one of the most innovative and impactful pioneers in the history of biotechnology. Born in Hungary and then later he migrated to Argentina, Jozsef Bir Laszlo was granted U.S. Patent 2,258,841 October 14, 1941 for a "Fountain Pen" - the father of the modern ballpoint pen. It's no coincidence that some of the most famous inventors come from all walks of life. Ochoa is also known for inventing the ochoaplane, an adjustable wrench, and a pen and pencil clip, among other inventions. Dr. Jose Hernandez-Rebollar was born in Puebla, Mexico, on the 14th of July, 1969. 6 Black Women Inventors Who Changed the World, The Most Influential Inventions in History That Changed The World, The Top 8 Inventions of The 1920s That Changed Humans Life, Frozen Recovery: The Science Why Do Athletes Take Ice Baths, The True Story of Who Discovered That Earth Revolves Around the Sun, Best 10 Tips on How To Boost Your Confidence as a Man, Nurturing Inner Growth: Understanding the Power of Internalizing Behavior. Ochoa served as director of NASAs Johnson Space Center in Houston from 2013 to 2018. And, on the 8th of September, 1888, it was launched. Learning a second language has many proven benefits, including keeping your brain sharp and boosting your ability to retain new concepts. Top List of Mexican Inventors. The Palmaz-Schatz Stent received a patent and with the financial support of healthcare company Johnson & Johnson and approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
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