Participants in the study give word to the notion that overcommercialization can lead to disenchantment and thus erode fan loyalty (Hyatt and Foster, 2015). This implies a process that remains strict to the scope, as well as to the relevance of the paper (Tranfield etal., 2003). 8 No. reporting the results, a suitable approach is to categorize the reviewed literature (Tranfield etal., 2003). Commercialisation. 139-154, doi: 10.1177/0193723514541283. Essentially, all papers focused on sports for men, and there was no article studying fans in women's elite sports. 1012-1026, doi: 10.1080/14660970.2015.1133416. 50 No. 12 No. For instance, fans may witness how their favourite teams cooperate with new sponsors, create new engagement platforms, or raise ticket prices to ensure revenues (Thani and Heenan, 2017). 29 No. This procedure yielded 84 articles whose abstracts matched the scope of the review. (2019), A model for the generation of public sphere-like activity in sport-themed Twitter hashtags, Sport Management Review, Vol. There are several aspects of commercialization that may impinge on the authenticity of a team and the role of fans. Belk, R.W. Dos Santos etal. Anglo-Saxon regions, particularly England (14), were the most prominent. 22 No. 23 Nos 1-2, pp. Instead, responses differ depending on aspect(s) of commercialization, geographical context(s) and the outcome variable(s) studied. Thus, changing regulations in club ownership may negatively affect fan attitudes. Again, commercialization is neither good nor bad it simply is what it is. For this review, commercialization, fans, and elite sports are the main concepts. Several examples highlight that many fans are sceptical of the increasing commercialization of the elite sports service ecosystem (Numerato and Giulianotti, 2018; Woisetschlger etal., 2013). 536-554, doi: 10.1080/14660970.2012.677227. * Torchia, D. (2016), An alternative football club in a liquid modernity: FC United of Manchester, Culture and Organization, Vol. 153-173. Another line of research focuses on how commercial elements are used to elicit emotions among fans, for instance, by drawing upon nostalgia. and Shani, D. (1997), Attitudinal constructs towards sponsorship: scale development using three global sporting events, International Marketing Review, Vol. Kerr and Emery, 2011). At this stage, at least three important observations about the literature can be drawn: The literature has often highlighted that commercialization has negative consequences for fans. 323-344, doi:10.1080/16184742.2014.926379. References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the review. Critics claim the pace, and occasionally the outcome, of major league sports games are dictated by television commercials. Having split loyalties, Hognestad (2012) argues that Norwegian fans can have favourite clubs both locally and in other leagues (so-called poly-supporter). * Totten, M. (2016), Football and community empowerment: how FC Sankt Pauli fans organize to influence, Soccer and Society, Vol. He has published in journals such as International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Tourism Management, and Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 6, pp. 33 No. In doing this, the authors performed a structured review of 42 academic articles published between 1992 and 2020 that all focus on how fans respond and are affected by the commercialization of elite sports. Fahln, J. and Stenling, C. (2016), Sport policy in Sweden, International Journal of Sport Policy, Vol. Furthermore, Giulianotti (2002) argues that commercialization changes fans' identities and roles from a hot, traditional identification with local clubs to a detached, cool, consumer-orientated identification (p. 25). * Dos Santos, M.A., Moreno, F.C., Guardia, F.R. Sports teams are businesses like any other and they need to make money to survive. * Meng, M.D., Stavros, C. and Westberg, K. (2015), Engaging fans through social media: implications for team identification, Sport, Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. * Frew, M. and McGillivray, D. (2008), Exploring hyper-experiences: performing the fan at Germany 2006, Journal of Sport and Tourism, Vol. Social media is an increasingly important platform for consumers and for brand-consumer interactions (Stieglitz etal., 2014), as well as for fan-to-fan and fan-to-team interactions (Wakefield and Bennett, 2018). This is in accordance with research, which highlights that as fields or subfields develop, the first stages are often dominated by conceptual and qualitative studies (e.g. For instance, in a study on former fans of NHL teams, commercialization is brought up as a reason for the de-escalation of fandom (Hyatt and Foster, 2015). He has published in journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, International Journal of Consumer studies, and many others. Considering the multitude of sports, types of fans and geographical contexts, future studies are likely to find more examples of how commercialization positively influences dimensions of being a fan by using a larger variety of theories and concepts. In an ethnographic study of an English premier league team, Putra (2019) highlights that the commercialization of the club, the possibility of selling tickets to foreign fans, and increasing ticket prices can potentially reduce loyalty among local fans. Daniel and Kassimeris, 2013; Torchia, 2016; Totten, 2016). * Jensen, R., Bowman, N., Wang, Y. and Larson, B. 1, pp. 3, pp. (2016), If we build it, will they come? In some contexts, fans may also perceive their sport, team, or athlete to be taken over by commercial ideals, which shifts the roles of fans to more passive consumers (e.g. 123-146, doi: 10.1177/1012690210362426. This is at a time when there is national worry about the health of young people with regards to what they eat and the level of exercise they participate in. 17 No. (2011), Foreign fandom and the Liverpool FC: a cyber-mediated romance, Soccer and Society, Vol. For instance, in the dominant setting, i.e. (2012), New league, new market and new sponsorship: an exploratory study of attitudes towards shirt sponsorship in Major League Soccer, Soccer and Society, Vol. 6, pp. To extend the scope of the search, we, based on an overview of related papers found in the preliminary stages of this review and the literature review on the concept of commercialization, included the following terms: Commodification, Marketization, Modernization and Globalization. 606-621, doi: 10.1123/jsm.25.6.606. Outline three positive impacts of commercialisation in sport on performers (3 marks). 824-837, doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2020.04.001. 4, pp. As qualitative studies seem more negative than quantitative, this may also change the view of commercialization as primarily negative for fans. Para enviarnos tus inquietudes, ideas o simplemente saber ms acerca de Cuida Tu Dinero, escrbenos. European elite football (Numerato and Giulianotti, 2018). 1, pp. Examples of changed structures for fan identification are, for instance, the growth of global superstars, which for some are more important to the identity than the team (Hoegele etal., 2014). and von Uechtriz, C. (2020), The key role of sport policies for the popularity of women's sports: a case study on women's soccer in Germany, Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. Sponsorship in sport. Este artculo fue escrito, editado y revisado exhaustivamente por el equipo de Cuida Tu Dinero con la finalidad de asegurar que los lectores reciban la mejor y ms detallada informacin posible. 37 No. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to develop a holistic understanding of extant studies addressing the impacts of elite sport commercialization on fans. However, as Snyder (2019) suggests, it is important to consider excluding articles that, based on a detailed evaluation, do not meet the scope of the review to make the review more trustworthy. 2, pp. 341-358. 510-531, doi: 10.1080/02642069.2016.1255730. 392-412, doi: 10.1080/16184742.2016.1276208. 23 No. The field of sports in the 20th-21st century was influenced by the process of globalization. Doyle, J.P., Lock, D., Funk, D.C., Filo, K. and McDonald, H. (2017), 'I was there from the start': the identity-maintenance strategies used by fans to combat the threat of losing, Sport Management Review, Vol. Thani, S. and Heenan, T. (2017), The ball may be round but football is becoming increasingly Arabic: oil money and the rise of the new football order, Soccer and Society, Vol. For fans, we used the following terms: Fans, Consumers and Supporters. The Pro's and Con's for the Sport! Dixon (2014) interviewed loyal, long-term English football fans regarding the so-called Disneyfication of products, services and experiences that are branded and sold using their team's logo. 14 No. Thus, it is important to include a variety of databases to obtain a valid foundation for analysis (Tranfield etal., 2003). Dixon, 2014; Kennedy, 2012). Wang, C.L., Aksan, G.E., Allison, B., Armstrong Soule, C.A., Biscaia, R., Buchanan-Oliver, M., Burton, T.A.M., Chang, E.-C., Chou, W.W., Coffin, J., Collins, N., De la Pena, A.S., Dill-Shackleford, K.E., Doral, S., Favia, M.J., Gou, C., Gou, S., Hall, K.D., Hao, A., Hedlund, D., Hung, K., Jia, X., Johnson, L.M., Joubert, A., Leal, M., Liu, W., Loehr, G.T., Lovric, B., Mastromartino, B., Metcalf, M., Murphy, J., Olds, K.F., Pun, L.F., Rajendiran, A., Sarkar, A., Sarkar, J.G., Sayan, A., Schau, A., Schau, H.J., Shackleford, L., Todd, B., Volkheimer, J., Wang, C.L., Woo, T.C., Wu, R., Zeng, C., Zhang, J. and Zhang, K. (2020), Handbook of research on the impact of fandom in society and consumerism, in Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services (AMCRMES) Book Series. There is a dominance of papers applying identity theory and social identity theory (15 papers), highlighting the importance of fandom to self-identity construction. Noticeable reactions by fans in response to increased commercialization may be protests against their clubs (Merkel, 2012), as shown with the European Super League (Panja and Smith, 2021), and some fans may even abandon their team and, or sport (Giulianotti, 2002). Instead, the reviewed papers show the many different aspects of commercialization, such as sponsorship, business-like management, and modernization of stadiums. Globalization of sports refers to the process of expansion of the idea of sport across the world and phenomena is how that are associated with it. The third most applied theoretical framework is cultural theory. In addition, modernization and globalization are often related to commercialization, as they highlight that a commercial logic motivates organizations and other actors to modernize and globalize to gain financial revenues (Backman and Carlsson, 2020). Zhang, Z., Won, D. and Pastore, D.L. Examining the effect of expansion teams and soccer-specific stadiums on Major League Soccer attendance, 'I was there from the start': the identity-maintenance strategies used by fans to combat the threat of losing, Social change and the commercialization of professional sports, Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, The effect of associated group identities on team identity, Estimating consumer spending on tickets, merchandise, and food and beverage: a case study of a NHL team, The attractiveness of national and international football leagues: perspectives of fans of star clubs and underdogs, Sport team emotion: conceptualization, scale development and validation, How to use your Olympian: the paradox of athletic authenticity and commercialization in the contemporary Olympic games, The market for football club investors: a review of theory and empirical evidence from professional European football, Sports teams heritage: measurement and application in sponsorship. 28 No. 3, doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2019.04.005. Finally, attitudes among fans have also been studied in relation to the increased tensions between the local and global that commercialization contributes to. Here, commercialization threatens fans' existing involvement with the sport entity (e.g. We thereafter extended the search to academic journals explicitly focusing on sports and elite sport management, i.e. (2006), Sports versus all comers: comparing TV sports fans with fans of other programming genres, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Vol. 7, pp. It is to challenge students, to provoke new ways of thinking, to make students uneasy with what . This review also illustrates methods for studying online contexts are scarce (see Table2). One of the main problems with increased commercialisation from a fan's perspective is the feeling the increased costs are passed on to them. 55-66, doi: 10.1108/13555851011013155. 3, pp. These changes may negatively affect fans' engagement with and perceived value of being fans (Tinson etal., 2021; Hognestad, 2015). 4, pp. DeSchriver, T.D., Rascher, D.A. Dubal, 2010). and Mechikoff, R.A. (1992), Deep fan: mythic identification, technology, and advertising in spectator sports, Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. Growing levels of commercialization in the sports industry bring forward an increasing amount of negative reactions from sports fans. 4, pp. From the time when education started its first phase of commercialisation, the responsibilities of the teacher too, have been compromised. 377-391, doi: 10.1080/14660970.2012.655507. Finally, this review indicates that commercialization poses a threat to fans as it may affect many aspects of being a fan. Personally, the biggest negative aspect of commercialization is . Abstract. 26 No. However, Jensen etal. It has been claimed in some sports that commercialisation results in poorer player performance at international levels. Swanson, K.K. * Hoegele, D., Schmidt, S.L. Rahman, M. and Lockwood, S. (2011), How to use your Olympian: the paradox of athletic authenticity and commercialization in the contemporary Olympic games, Sociology, Vol. * Lee, M.S., Sandler, D.M. (1987), A child's Christmas in America: Santa Claus as deity, consumption as religion, The Journal of American Culture, Vol. Bauer, H.H., Stokburger-sauer, N.E. Thanks! Garca, B. and Welford, J. Lpez Fras, F.J. (2018), Football transfers and moral responsibility, Soccer and Society, Vol. Outline three negative impacts of commercialisation in sport on spectators (3 marks). For this review, we used the following eight databases: Academic Search Complete, BusinessSource Premier, Google Scholar, JSTOR, PsycINFO, Scopus, CABI Leisure Tourism and SportDiscuss. 18 No. In total, 134 articles were retrieved. Frew and McGillivray, 2008; Real and Mechikoff, 1992; Meng etal., 2015), Commercialization shift heavily involved fan identities into becoming more like passive consumer identities (e.g. Hence, the conflicts and tensions between a commercial, and a non-commercial logic are not equally intense as in, e.g. Teams base their potential development on player transfers, Commercialization of elite sport infrastructure, Development of stadiums with an increasingly commercial tone, Creation of VIP-boxes, sponsored stadium names, advertisements in and around games, merchandise outlets, Commercialization of communication in elite sports, Elite sports marketed as an entertainment product, Introduction of pre- and in-game entertainment. Given the multifaceted nature of elite sports commercialization, more research is needed using other theoretical and conceptual approaches, such as consumer psychology, consumer behaviour and stakeholder theory, which have already been applied with interesting outcomes (see Table4). 402-419, doi: 10.1108/03090569910253251. 2, pp. Sport was the principal keyword, combined with Commercialization. The positive and the negative impacts of commercialised activity (sponsorship and the media) on the following: performer ; sport ; official; audience/spectator ; sponsor/company. (2003) comprising three main stages: planning, conducting, and reporting. It is also important to note that fans are not a homogenous group (Wang etal., 2020). 22 No. The authors illustrate five dimensions generating emotions among fans in stadiums: customers' density, customers' appearance, customer behaviours, arena ambiance and arena design (Uhrich and Benkenstein, 2012). For this paper, issues relating to degrees of subjectivity and bias must be addressed. 87-100, doi: 10.1111/j.1542-734x.1987.1001_87.x. Advertising. 23 No. 124, doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.040. The planning phase focuses on assessing the relevance and limits of the specified topic. He specializes in consumer behaviour, with a wide empirical focus in areas such as sports, financial services and consumer privacy. Further research is needed that embraces the inclusion of a more diverse set of methods, empirical contexts, theories, concepts, and aspects of commercialization. Sponsorship can have both positive and negative effects on fan attitudes towards teams and sponsors (e.g. 217-239, doi: 10.1080/14775085.2013.846228. Woisetschlger etal., 2013), new types of ownership structures (e.g. Fan loyalty is conceptualized into two main dimensions, i.e. Increased professionalism. 443-460, doi: 10.1123/JSM.2013-0327. Sposnorship. While fans and other major stakeholders traditionally have been local, teams and athletes increasingly seek to internationalize their fan bases to expand commercially (e.g. However, some contexts are quite different. Positive impacts of commercialisation on society. As fans spend time, resources, and money on activities and apparel related to a team or sport, fans are sometimes, in commercial settings, regarded as customers of elite sports (Giulianotti, 2002). Snyder, H. (2019), Literature review as a research methodology: an overview and guidelines, Journal of Business Research, Vol. Rose, M., Rose, G.M., Merchant, A. and Orth, U.R. 11, pp. Furthermore, there is a shortage of studies discussing the potential positive impacts of commercialization on fans. Advertisements on major events rising in terms of worth (e.g. Several studies are discussing this intensified commercialization in general and its consequences for fans (e.g. 25-49, doi: 10.1080/16184742.2013.865248. The literature has mainly derived conclusions from European elite football contexts. Other types of football are specified in the text (i.e. (2019) studied German football fans' attitudes towards selling more than 50% of clubs to private investors. Furthermore, resistance may be evoked due to commercial influences on existing traditions and rituals (Hognestad, 2015). These are (1) fan identity, (2) fan attitudes, (3) fan emotions and (4) fan behaviours. Wakefield, L.T. and Torgler, B. 279-297, doi: 10.1177/1469540517747094. Jensen etal., 2012; Dos Santos etal., 2016). Our review illustrates that the effects on fans of elite sport commercialization have mainly been studied in men's elite football, especially in English top-division contexts (14 of 42 papers are related to the English Premier League). 703-720, doi: 10.1080/14660970.2015.1100436. Super Bowl Commercials), Increased influence of sponsors on teams and competitions, Branded competitions (e.g. Granados etal., 2011). Commercialization is increasingly evident in many elite sports service ecosystems (e.g. The purpose of this paper is to develop a holistic understanding of extant studies addressing the impact of commercialization on fans of elite sports.,In doing this, the authors performed a structured review of 42 academic articles published between 1992 and 2020 that all focus on how fans respond and are affected by the commercialization of . Also here it is important to move beyond the European borders and for instance examine how, e.g. - advertising. 4, pp. They argue that stadiums that are overly rationalized, McDonaldized, and unauthentic can reduce the emotional dimensions embedded in stadiums, thus weakening emotional intensity (Ritzer and Stillman, 2001). 1-18, doi: 10.1080/16184742.2020.1871394. For example, when a national team does well at the Olympics the number of children taking up the sport increases. (2011), Divided loyalty? Here, commercialization is defined as the prioritization of financial revenues among organizations and actors, such as teams, athletes and or sponsors in elite sports service ecosystems (e.g. * Daniel, P. and Kassimeris, C. (2013), The Politics and Culture of FC St. Pauli: from leftism, through anti-establishment, to commercialization, Soccer and Society, Vol. Despite the fact that commercialization has brought about unprecedented prosperity in sport, it causes a series of issues. 17 No. 41 No. Wann, D.L. international player recruitment, which fans may perceive differently compared to how intensified commercialization is perceived in men's elite football. We use the term football for European style football (soccer). Stieglitz, S., Dang-Xuan, L., Bruns, A. and Neuberger, C. (2014), Social media analytics, Business and Information Systems Engineering, Vol. For instance, 16 articles are related to impacts on Fan Behaviours, while only 4 articles deal with impacts on Fan Emotions. Each paper was summarized to review how fans are affected by an increasing commercialization. Table1 provides a detailed list of activities and processes that exemplify intensified commercialization and how it impacts different elite sports. We identified four outcome variables in our review: Fan Identity, Fan Attitudes, Fan Emotions and Fan Behaviours. Commercialized sports was one of several male bastions. (2017) surveyed how sponsorship can affect attitudes and purchase intentions in relation to the sponsoring brand. Sporting events, teams and even individual players wear logos on uniforms and appear in television advertising. 36 Nos 11-12, pp. * Hognestad, H.K. 22-34, doi: 10.1080/14610980008721860. For example the underperformance of the England soccer team despite the domestic Premier League having the highest wages of any soccer league in the world. 22, pp. While critical theory generates interesting results, we advocate for more studies with theorization that can provide perspectives on how fans respond to and are affected by commercialization. and Schreyer, D. (2016), The future of professional football: a Delphi-based perspective of German experts on probable versus surprising scenarios, Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, Vol. is ray rice still married to janay palmer,
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