Geol Ecol Landscap. 2006, Hooper et al., FAO (2019) Trees, Forests and Land Use in Drylands: the First Global Assessment Full report. A half acre of rainforest would likely have greater biodiversity than a full acre of desert. Ecological biodiversity is the diversity of ecosystems, natural communities, and habitats. And theres the star cactus, which resembles a green sand dollar with a bright yellow bloom. Find out more information about biodiversity. Alikhanova, S., Bull, J.W. The final list was formed based on the recently formalized definition of nature-based solutions by the IUCN neglecting small-scale interventions, which in some cases the authors considered to represent NbS. Rome, Feng S, Fu Q (2013) Expansion of global drylands under a warming climate. Many conservationists emphasize that the places with the most imperiled species arent the only important ones to safeguard. The Biden administration has set a goal to conserve and restore 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030. Wetlands in the Aral Sea basin were reported to have been impacted by anthropogenic activities that led to the degradation of vegetation in the riparian zone (Jiang, Jiapaer, Bao, Guo, & Ndayisaba, 2017), (Kasprzykowski, Goawski, Mitrus, & Staski, 2014). Biodiversity includesplants,animals, fungi, and other living things. Land 11., Williams WD (1999) Conservation of wetlands in drylands: A key global issue. Globalclimate changethe latest rise in the averagetemperaturearound the globe, linked to human activityis also a factor. (2023)Cite this article. All rights reserved. About one square kilometer of the forest was estimated to host a cluster of imperiled species, including a rabbit, a bee and several plants. The recent study by the UN (ILRI, 2021) reveals that rangelands occupy 54% of the global terrestrial surface and cover about 57% of the territory of Uzbekistan (Toderich, et al., 2013a).<517::AID-AQC383>3.0.CO;2-C. Yang Y, Yuanyue P, Xiang Y, Zhijie T, Lingxiao S, Disse M, Ruide Y (2019) Climate change, water resources and sustainable development in the arid and semi-arid lands of Central Asia in the past 30 years. Based on the information in the chart, ecosystem X has the highest biodiversity.Therefore, option B is correct.. What is an ecosystem? During dry years these wetlands tend to almost dry out (Schlter, et al., 2013). Oryx 45:461462. The application of nature-based solutions, such as the large-scale afforestation of the Aral Seabed, potentially creates alternative income sources for the local population. Last year, officials announced that eight species had gone extinct. J Environ Plan Manage 59:142162. The creatures that survive have fewer breeding partners, so genetic diversity declines.Pollution,overfishing, andoverhunting have also caused a drop in biodiversity. Search results included English and Russian languages for both search engines, as a majority of the research performed historically in Central Asia has been reported in the Russian language; results returned in any other languages were excluded (due to linguistic limitations of the research team). versus benefits (e.g., fisheries development, biodiversity restoration, income opportunities and etc.). On a much smaller scale, one can study biodiversity within a pond ecosystem or a neighborhood park. These differences are what scientists use to tell one species from another. Sustain Dev. Extinction is a natural process; some species naturally die out while new speciesevolve. This single pixel includes seven species, such as the Escambia map turtle, narrow pigtoe mussel and round ebonyshell mussel. Department of Biology, University of Oxford, 11a Mansfield Road, OX1 3SZ, Oxford, UK, Shahzoda Alikhanova&Joseph William Bull, You can also search for this author in That includes 29 percent of all amphibians, 21 percent of all mammals, and 12 percent of all birds. Jamba 10., Bonn A, Allott T, Evans M, Joosten H, Stoneman R (2016) Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: Nature-based solutions for societal goals., The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. Genetic biodiversity is the variation in genes that exists within a species. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. The system is dynamic and thus offers a wide range of species. You have not even scratched the surface of the biodiversity within the pond. Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms within a given area. Tech. C. Ecosystems with more species diversity are more likely to recover after a disturbance than ecosystems with low species diversity. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. They depend on one another. The snakes, which hunt birds, have caused the extinction of nine of the islands 11 native forest-dwellingbird species.People all over the world are working to maintain the planets biodiversity. Rangeland/grassland restoration can reduce net soil CO2 emissions, conserve biodiversity, soil and water resources (Abdalla, Mutema, Chivenge, Everson, & Chaplot, 2022), (Li, Chen, Zhang, & Pan, 2019), and thus have a climate mitigating factor. Inland Waters 11:445456. Springer Netherlands. From Borneo to the Andes and pole to pole, Earths plants and animals cling to dwindling habitat and edge closer to extinctiona global biodiversity crisis crying out for action. Glob Change Biol 26:61346155. This may not be a promising investment in terms of time, human and financial resources unless timely post-afforestation monitoring and R&D on the quality of land is ensured. An exosystem is the system of ecological interaction of different environments and can be on land and in water. PAs can perform multiple functions and encompass several NbS approaches with respect to the ecosystem services they represent (see Table 1 for a list of services provided by PAs). Qi L, Yao Y, English DE, Ma R, Luft J, Hu C (2021) Remote sensing of brine shrimp cysts in salt lakes. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Marine ecosystems are habitats like. To distinguish NbS from other conservation actions, IUCN specifies seven societal challenges, at least one of which needs to be addressed., IUCN (2020) Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions: first editions., Fernandes JP, Guiomar N (2018) Nature-based solutions: The need to increase the knowledge on their potentialities and limits. Species by the NumbersScientists have identified about 1.75 million different species. The systematic search on NbS implementation in dryland ecosystems resulted in 2557 non-duplicative scientific publications, 2451 of which were filtered out as being irrelevant (see Appendix 1 for detailed information). Agrofor Syst 66:129141., Gmez Martn, E, Giordano, R, Pagano, A, van der Keur, P, & Mez Costa, M (2020) Using a system thinking approach to assess the contribution of nature based solutions to sustainable development goals. Mackinnon K, Mrema EM, Richardson K, Cooper D, Gidda SB (2021) Editorial essay: Protected and conserved areas: Contributing to more ambitious conservation outcomes post 2020. First Aral sea basin program (ASBP-1). Google Scholar, Djalilov BM, Khamzina A, Hornidge A-K, Lamers JP (2016) Exploring constraints and incentives for the adoption of agroforestry practices on degraded cropland in Uzbekistan. Pollution. As reported by Schlter, et al. 4. I got confused and almost gave you a 1 star opp good thing I did not. There is more biodiversity within tropical ecosystems than temperate or boreal ecosystems. Think youre done? Currently we have identified only 1.7 million species, so we have a long way to go before we can come close to figuring out exactly how many species are on Earth. However, the long-term impact of drainage water, most importantly its quality, on the biodiversity of wetlands does not seem to have been thoroughly examined to tell whether the approach can be justified. Hence, nature-based solutions can be more broadly categorized as managed interventions to restore the environment or ecosystems specifically, by eventually having a positive impact on the local communities. This means that millions of other organisms remain a complete mystery., CBD-UNDP (2021). It has more land under biodiversity protection than any other of the lower 48 states, but its also home to high concentrations of imperiled species that live outside of those areas. We highlight which NbS show the most promise in the Aral Sea region and conclude with a discussion of existing gaps in the literature on NbS in drylands, and opportunities for further research. As ecosystems become healthier, their biodiversity increases. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. So, policymakers and scientists must collaborate to ensure that only native plant and tree species are used for afforestation, if the intervention is to count as a NbS. For instance, some diseases kill only one kind of tree. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Reports also state that areas covered by drylands are expected to substantially expand by the end of the 21st century reaching almost 60% of the global land coverage (UNCCD, 2017), (Prvlie, 2016), (Feng & Fu, 2013). D. Smaller populations are less likely to go extinct than larger populations, so the species diversity will remain constant., Which of the following examples illustrates the community with the highest biodiversity? In fact, new ecosystems were created twice in the place of once fourth largest inland water body on the planet: a desert (Aralkum) was formed initially, which is now being replaced by afforested areas. As per the table ecosystem, X has the highest diversity. Information was sourced from two major scientific publication databasesScopus, and Web of Scienceto ensure the most comprehensive capture of articles possible. Cattle then produce manure that returns nutrients to the soil, which helps to grow more grass. Pretend you're taking a look at the species biodiversity within a local pond. Forests are cut for lumber and firewood. It enjoys a high level of biodiversity. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. How urban centers across the globe help boost biodiversity. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license., An J, Chang H, Han SH, Khamzina A, Son Y (2020) Changes in basic soil properties and enzyme activities along an afforestation series on the dry Aral Sea Bed, Kazakhstan., Jiang L, Jiapaer G, Bao A, Guo H, Ndayisaba F (2017) Vegetation dynamics and responses to climate change and human activities in Central Asia. PEERJ 7., Li J, Ma X, Zhang C (2020) Predicting the spatiotemporal variation in soil wind erosion across Central Asia in response to climate change in the 21st century. Currently, there are five protected areas in Karakalpakstan as listed below in the order of establishment: Lower Amu Darya Biosphere ReserveFootnote 3 total area: 687.18km2, year of designation: 2011. However, (Taillardat, Thompson, Garneau, Trottier, & Friess, 2020) argue that conserving existing wetlands is more cost-efficient as opposed to their restoration in terms of contribution to climate change mitigation, large initial investments, and subsequent operation costs. Ecol Eng 108:489497. Water (Switzerland), 13., Kumar P, Debele SE, Sahani J, Rawat N, Marti-Cardona B, Alfieri SM, Zieher T (2021) Nature-based solutions efficiency evaluation against natural hazards: Modelling methods, advantages and limitations. The continent of Africa is home to tropical rainforests,alpinemountains, and dry deserts. Biodiversity is also an important part of ecological services that make life livable on Earth. Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is a term that refers to the number of genes, species, individual organisms within a given species, and biological communities within a defined geographic area, ranging from the smallest ecosystem to the global biosphere. Rangelands in the Aral Sea basin represent not just significant economic and environmental value to local stakeholders, but also cultural values (Shaumarov, et al., 2012). Afforestation of irrigated cropland in combination with agroforestry in the Aral Sea basin is recommended by a number of authors (Djalilov, Khamzina, Hornidge, & Lamers, 2016), (Dubovyk, Menz, & Khamzina, 2016), (Khamzina, Lamers, Worbes, Botman, & Vlek, 2006), (Kumar, Khamzina, Knfel, Lamers, & Tischbein, 2021) as a means to reduce soil salinity on degraded agricultural lands, which could be another solution to reduce salinity and improve soil quality of abandoned croplands. Here, we systematically review the application of nature-based solutions in rural drylands around the world with all four types of aridity indices defined by the United Nations: dry sub-humid, semi-arid, arid and hyper arid areas (see Fig. They include everything from cleaning water and absorbing chemicals, which wetlands do, to providing oxygen for us to breatheone of the many things that plants do for people. Land Degrad Dev 31:27492762. By highlighting areas where land is permanently protected for biodiversity, in green below, you can see where the habitats of imperiled species are outside of conservation zones. (2022), Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the establishment of South Ustyurt National Park (in Uzbek language). Nature-based AND solutions AND terrestrial, Nature-based solutions AND protected area, Nature-based AND solutions AND Central Asia. For example, species with high genetic diversity and many populations that are adapted to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change., Nelson DR, Bledsoe BP, Ferreira S, Nibbelink NP (2020) Challenges to realizing the potential of nature-based solutions. At the highest level, one can look at all the different species on the entire Earth. Savvy crows thrive among us, despite us and because of us. A final set of 106 papers were retained and read in their entirety. Some environmental groups are working to create asustainablemushroom population to satisfy consumers as well as the local ecosystem.Around the globe, thousands ofwildernessareas have been set up toconserveplants, animals, and ecosystems. There is a whole state program for the development of the Aral Sea region in Uzbekistan as a zone of ecological innovations and technologies supported by a special Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly (United Nations General Assembly, 2021), which stipulates an increase in the area of afforested lands in the former seabed. According to Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), drylands globally comprise the following categories: barren land (28%), grassland (25%), forests (18%), and cropland (14%); with the remainder classified as other land (which includes inland water bodies, other wooded land, apart from those classified as forests, built-up environment and unidentified land types) (FAO, 2019). Another way to measure biodiversity is genetic diversity . Areas permanently protected for biodiversity. The authors declare no competing interests. Curr Opin Environ Sustain 45:4955., Bakirov NJ, Khamzaev AK, Novitskiy, ZB (2020) FOREST PLANTATIONS ON THE DRAINED BOTTOM OF THE ARAL SEA. Most people recognize biodiversity by speciesa group of individual living organisms that can interbreed. Deforestation is a major threat . Many cases reported on not the actual implementation and outcomes of NbS, but rather on the potential of adopting specific approaches (e.g., agroforestry/intercropping on marginal lands, application of halophytes to restore degraded soil on grazelands) as a tool to rehabilitate degraded land and wetlands. Sources Theres the tiny patch-nosed salamander in northern Georgia and across the border in South Carolina. The chart shows information about four ecosystems. Researchers have estimated that there are between 3 and 30 million species on Earth, with a few studies predicting that there may be more than 100 million species on Earth. The relative cost-efficiency of NbS (Bonn, Allott, Evans, Joosten, & Stoneman, 2016), (Girardin, et al., 2021) has led to their increased popularity recently.NbS offer quite a range of benefits (Seddon, et al., 2020), (Girardin, et al., 2021), including biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration, climate change mitigation and adaptation.As drylands around the world are projected to . The issue with low plant survival rates on the dried-out seabed in Uzbekistan is not uncommon: according to Shomurodov et al., (2021), survival rate of plant species in afforested areas is as low as 20%. Warmer ocean temperatures damagefragileecosystems such as coral reefs. Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on Earth, including plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi. This single pixel includes seven species, such as Cockerell's bumble bee, White Mountain false pennyroyal and Sacramento Mountains thistle. What suggests developmental delays in two-year-olds? Australia's biodiversity is in steep decline, posing major risks to human health. January 1, 2002. This article addresses the climate and biodiversity of one of Earth's most diverse and iconic biomes: the tropical . Part of Springer Nature. Australia is one of 17 megadiverse countries globally, with many plants, animals and ecosystems found nowhere . We conducted a systematic literature review to explore the potential opportunities for the application of NbS in rural drylands across the globe. US Forest Service: Ecoregions of the United States. Pesticides and erosion from human activity make matters worse. Biodiversity allows for ecosystems to adjust to disturbances like fires and floods. Further, wetlands nested within larger dryland landscapes are reported to be among the ecosystems most effected by climate change (Parra, et al., 2021), (Williams, 1999), hence are in need of urgent conservation action. Looking at samples of soil or water through a microscope reveals a whole world of bacteria and other tiny organisms. in pea plants, round peas (R) are dominant to wrinkled peas (r). Note: Green areas reflect federal, state and local biodiversity protections. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Dryland areas have largely expanded in Asia since mid-twentieth century stretching towards north latitudes, triggering water stress and limiting ecosystem services (Prvlie, 2016), (Yao, Fu, Liu, Wang, & Song, 2021). Rivers and streams light up with aquatic biodiversity across the South. The issues with human-biodiversity interaction in wetlands, where artemia is grown and harvested, sustainability of yields, water availability and its quality yet need to be researched to comply with NbS criteria. However, according to the list of activities implemented to restore wetlands, i.e., construction and reconstruction of dams, channels, and outlets, the efforts have been focused on engineering activities. rep., Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme of the Secretariat and the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD. A single coral reef can shelter 3,000 species of fish and other sea creatures such as clams and sea stars. Soil Use Manag. When people introduce species from one part of the world to another, they often have no naturalpredators. South Ustyurt National ParkFootnote 5 total area: 14471.43km2, year of designation: 2020. One of the greatest threats to biodiversity is habitat loss. IUCN has set out a Global Standard for Nature-Based Solutions (IUCN, 2020), which defines eight criteria for addressing societal, economic, and environmental dimensions for NbS design and implementation (Fig. The sandy desert in the very east of Uzbekistan, covering a territory of about 5,5 million hectares (Summary report on the LDN target setting programme in the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2019), the former Aral Sea left behind, is now widely referred to as the Aralkum desert (Fig. Glob Change Biol. Besides performing ecological functions, local wetlands are vital sources of income for the population by supporting fishing, hunting, livestock husbandry through the provision of forage (Lemly, Kingsford, & Thompson, 2000), (Schlter, et al., 2013). This is only a small portion of the total number of species on Earth. What is an ecosystem? Losses of intact ecosystems have occurred primarily in the tropics, home to the highest levels of biodiversity on the planet. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Others note features like potential wildlife corridors. Review of Nature-based Solutions in Dryland Ecosystems: the Aral Sea Case Study,, Scientific Mapping of Research on Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Water Management, Representation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in East Africas protected area network, The effectiveness of climate action and land recovery across ecosystems, climatic zones and scales, Grassland ecosystem services: a systematic review of research advances and future directions, Reasons to rename the UNCCD: Review of transformation of the political concept through the influence of science, Biodiversity/ecosystem services scenario exercises from the AsiaPacific: typology, archetypes and implications for sustainable development goals (SDGs), Bridging theory and practice in ecosystem services mapping: a systematic review, Exploring Canadian Ramsar Sites Ecosystem Governance and Sustainability, Planning nature-based solutions: Principles, steps, and insights,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Over the history of the planet, most of the species that ever existed evolved and then gradually went extinct., Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Additional measures for the creation of forests in the regions and of the green cover in the Aral Sea region. Invertebrates are animals without backbones, including insects, crustaceans, sponges, scorpions, and many other kinds of organisms. Glob Change Biol 27:13281348. These non-native species thrive in their new habitat, often destroying native species in the process.Brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis), for instance, were accidentally brought into Guam, an island in the South Pacific, in the 1950s. o antigenic immune system (2013), fluctuations in the water table of wetlands can kill roe that fish lay on the shores with the already shallow water table. Which ecosystem likely has the highest biodiversity? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Powerful PollinatorsBees, birds, and other creatures pollinate 75 percent of the world's major crops. The International Innovation Centre for the Aral Sea Basin, which among others is carrying out testing and planting trees in the Aral Seabed, confirmed they do not have enough human capacity and financial resources to undertake monitoring of afforested areas (Anonymous, 2022), although they had announced a country-wide fundraising campaign to plant trees and had received monetary donations both from individuals and organizations Footnote 8,Footnote 9. Additionally, a warm water temperature promote most species to reproduce, which also has a positive impact in biodiversity. Philos Trans R Soc B: Biol Sci 375:20190120. Land Degrad Dev 27:18311839. We were unable to locate any published management plans associated with the protected areas in Karakalpakstan, and as the effectiveness of a protected area very much depends on how it is managed (MacKinnon, Dudley, & Sandwith, 2011), (Roberts, OLeary, & Hawkins, 2020), it is consequently unclear how these five existing protected areas will fulfil their tasks. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. The forests of Maine differ from the forests of Colorado by the types of species found in both ecosystems, as well as the temperature and rainfall. (2022) The Ramsar Convention Seceretariat. It is one of many efforts to measure biodiversity in the United States and around the world. Biodiversity is the richness of life in all of its forms, from genes to ecosystems. This would in turn mean increased vulnerability to droughts, decreased water availability, reduced crop yields and increased disease transmission (e.g., malaria) (Huang, Yu, Dai, Wei, & Kang, 2017), (UNCCD, 2017). Maps like these offer a valuable tool to officials and conservationists who are scrambling to protect biodiversity. 4).
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