Tiki later is in charge of the car wash and makes Bonnie sweep the pavement because it has the be dry. So what? Determined to keep her promise to Enzo, she decided to live her life to the fullest and wanted to see the world and enjoy her life. Jeremy tries to attack Abby, and Bonnie tells him not to and to leave. Bonnie doesn't like it and heads to Matt's to help him with his "dead" sister. She tells him that she feels different. Bonnie gets in the car and Jeremy closes the door for her. He orders Bonnie to come home for a family meeting. The Vampire Diaries began with Stefan's monologue, stating that he is a vampire and that this is his story. They soon discover that Elijah promised Luka and his father that if they help him, he will get Luka's sister back from Klaus. Keeping her promise, she takes Enzo to a motor speedway and cheers him on as she watches him drive a race car around a track. He advises Jeremy to get Elena somewhere safe if he finds her. While they search for weapons Bonnie fields questions from Caroline about whether or not she can invite Damon to the wedding. She later discovers his body at the sheriff's office together with Jeremy and as they wait for Matt to awake, Jeremy apologizes for his ignorance to Bonnie and they reconcile just as Matt wakes up, and worriedly asks Bonnie about the events that are destroying the other side. Jeremy does not know what to do and if he should continue to lie about Bonnie's death. As the cabin goes up in flames she continues to tell Enzo that she's not going to leave him. It is unknown if Bonnie's strong and powerful powers played any significant role in making this happen, or if it was just a matter of lucky timing (it was the night of the summer solstice, when ghosts were said to be prone to returning to Earth anyway). Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline stay at the Vault, waiting and searching, though there is nothing, no indication of where they had left to. Bonnie says she would help if she could, and that she can ask Shane for help, and that he knows "everything and everything." That night she and Enzo are still in the woods by the Founder's Hall. Enzo ultimately succumbs to the monster within the Vault and her, Damon and the Monster disappear without a trace. Matt reconnects with his body and Jeremy sees Bonnie. In Growing Pains, Bonnie searches for a way to turn Elena back to her human state before her transition is complete. They turn away and being to head straight for Bonnie, who is shocked to sense they are heading for her. She breaks off a wooden coat rack knob prepares herself. At the Lockwood's, Bonnie confronts Damon and tells him that if he makes one wrong move, she will take him out. Later on, Bonnie and Jeremy meet Amara, who starts asking questions about how he was brought back to life. Her experience with Kai and her time in the prison world, however, drastically changes her. Sometime later, Bonnie comes face to face with Kai who claims he's in hell. She and Jamie are seen dancing when Jeremy accidentally bumps into Jamie while trying to follow Stefan, Elena, and Damon. Elena pulls Bonnie aside to talk more privately about exactly what's been going on with Katherine and Caroline. She clutches the necklace close to her heart and asks for a sign. No. Bonnie turned to see her body was still on the ground. Jenna walks in depressed and they soon convince her to stay and join them. He explains that together they can be strong. Both start crying as Grams walks off into the light, finding her peace and leaving the crumbling dimension behind. Virginia told her that if she was a Bennett then the Armory would've found her a long time ago, making Bonnie tell her how she was taking pills to hide her magic so that the Armory couldn't find her. Bonnie walks away and bumps into Elena/Katherine to complain about Damon. Not wanting to hear her reasons, Jeremy takes Bonnie's face and begins to kiss her passionately, making her realize that he isn't a little boy or Elena's little brother anymore. Watching on, Damon tells Stefan that Katherine never compelled him to love her. Her grandmother explains to Bonnie that the seal has not been broken and that any Vampires entering the tomb will not be allowed back out. I can't. Bonnie complies and tells her that they will leave, though Seline mentions the weapon that they were looking for, the Tuning Fork. Bonnie stands firm and tells Tyler that he can't make her leave because Damon lead her there and that he wants her to save him. I'd be honored to be your maid of honorand not just because my main competition is in a How else was I going to out-Caroline Forbes Caroline Forbes? #alaricsaltzman She begins her chant Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moventur, ego ex vos, vos ex unos, phasmatos incendia entrare at the Armory. Bonnie smiles and they reconcile and she embraces him in a heartfelt hug. Stefan arrives to warn the witches about Bonnie's true intentions, but to his horror Aja prepares to slay Bonnie, fearing that after Silas' intervention she's "lost" to them. Later, she is seen in the kitchen and when Jamie comes in, he said he talked with Caroline, which Bonnie answers by saying that "Caroline lectured him". She lights a fire and she follows its trail into the woods, the wind blowing around her, hearing voices as well. That night, Bonnie and Enzo arrive at the estate, Enzo confirming that this is the one they are searching for as out of the four with pools, this was the only one with a light on. Looking at Bonnie, Grams tells her to dry her tears because they had some work to do. He tells her that she shares his psychic gift and to open her mind. That is when he tells Bonnie that his wife was a witch, who died trying to use Expression. To free Damon she needs Enzo's palm for the scanner to work. It's been some time since the Armory's Monster has escaped and the search for Damon and Enzo continues to no avail. Right before Rayna plunges the dagger, with Bonnie's blood into her heart, the Shaman changes the spell, at Rayna's request, to turn Bonnie into the new huntress, transferring not only her last life but all the strengths and burdens that comes from being the huntress to Bonnie. Bonnie attempts another spell, that results in setting Oscar's body on fire. Bonnie is led to the Salvatore crypt and there is greeted by Tyler, another representation of someone that's been killed because of Damon. After she is gone, Jo goes to Bonnie and examines her, telling her to stay calm and she'll help her. The candles begin to flicker some more and Bonnie decides it's enough. Anna makes arrangements to meet Stefan and tells Ben to use violence if necessary when dealing with Elena and Bonnie. Matt also has a lot of trust in Bonnie that he trust her with his life in The Reckoning. Figuring out what Jeremy's plan was, Bonnie tells him that until she speaks with Elena, their romantic relationship can go no farther. In Miss Mystic Falls, Bonnie is back, and Elena is overjoyed to see her. She runs to him and embraces him a hug and a deep kiss. She tells them that there is a place outside of Grove Hill, a mansion called The Pond Estate and that is where Sybil's been hiding and like they will likely find the tuning fork. Lost in despair, Bonnie had temporarily left Mystic Falls. Bonnie is sitting in on the floor surrounded by a circle of lit white candles and chants a spell. Later, Alaric calls Jeremy, who is at the Gone With The Wind screening with Bonnie and Caroline. Bonnie rose and started making Elena's bones break. Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie are going together as friends. Bonnie was a good-hearted, bubbly, sweet, fun-loving, spirited and optimistic individual. Jamie tells Bonnie that since Abby's been here for him, he needs to be there for her. Stefan demands that they work together to try and open the coffin quickly before Klaus discovers them. She tells them that to change his mind, they will have to confront him and ask him themselves as to why be believes he's in hell. Bonnie later finds Shane, with Silas' headstone, which he stole earlier, and Jeremy bound a gagged. As Damon plunges his hand further into Enzo's chest, Bonnie makes her choice, she chooses Enzo. He tells her that they are no longer suffering and that only blood can bring them back. In Know Thy Enemy, Bonnie works with Jeremy and Damon to find the spell they will need to gather the power of the witches killed in the massacre. Matt wakes up and notices Bonnie's hand is cut and bleeding, and she tells him she knows who it is. In The Murder of One, Klaus threatens Jeremy. She says that the spell that was used to made the Other Side is probably bound to something very powerful because it still exists. Bonnie threw a snowball at Elena and also revealed that her father is taking her on a trip and that she'd miss Christmas with her friends, so Elena revealed that she was going to convince her parents to let Bonnie stay for the holidays as they've never spent a holiday apart from each other. Unfortunately, they fail and Bonnie remains optimistic about coming back and assures Jeremy. There, she sees she is not alone. Enzo: You never lost me, Bonnie Bennett. Kat Graham Kai tells him that his "bickering" with Bonnie's boring and reveals that he's been following them and he's seen Damon drive Bonnie away 13 times in an argument. In Home, Bonnie gets trapped on the other side with Damon, thus ending their relationship. None of them can touch anything or interact with her due to the broken Ascendant and Kai not having enough power to allow them all to be corporeal. Bonnie was eventually reunited with Enzo after he was freed from Sybil's mind control. Then Caroline disappears and Silas appears and tells Bonnie Qetsiyah isn't coming. Bonnie has been shown to have used the following powers: Bonnie has all the typical weaknesses of a witch. When Bonnie didn't know what was happening with her abilities she went to her for help. She has one older sister named Mary McCullough, who is a nurse and who is two to three years older than her. After Elena leaves to meet Damon, Bonnie and Jo decide to end the party, but before they can go, Lily enters the diner. She comforts her by telling her that he wouldn't want her to suffer and that she needs to let he go. This is the truth, Stefan. Vampire Sex Scene On the Way for "The Vampire Diaries" Season 4. added by Any_SJ. She assumes that it's a signal that only witches can hear because Alaric also mentioned to hear that the twins could hear it as well. Knowing that it is taking too long to complete the hit list, with Bonnie quickly running out of time, Damon brokers another deal with Alex, he will hand over Bonnie to do the unsealing spell if they finish off the escaped vampires; she accepts. Bonnie is walking down the street, reaching the Gilbert house and sees the shadow of Elena. So Im gonna die? Bonnie start car alarms in the parking lot and scream at Silas to get out of her head as he awkwardly shouted "Control! Bonnie meets up ta Whitmore medical center where Caroline is in the operating room. Bonnie was born on March 10, 1992, in Fells Church, Virginia. Enzo corrects her, "when", that when he says he'll doing something, that he means it. Bonnie tries to be brave, smiling slightly for a moment before finally breaking down, sinking to her knees as she sobs. But Bonnie says Silas just wants to bring down the wall and release all the monsters. Eventually the house explodes, engulfing the place in flames with Bonnie and the twins still inside. Bonnie finally finds Lucy and confronts her about what she's doing there. Looking for the necklace, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena are about to give up. Bonnie has died more times than any other witch on the Vampire Diaries. Enzo tells her that they need to get the cure and go. In Season One, Bonnie doesn't appear in six episodes: In Season Two, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes: In Season Three, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes: In Season Four, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes: In Season Five, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes so far: In Season Six, Bonnie doesn't appear in four episodes: In Season Seven, Bonnie doesn't appear in three episodes: In Season Eight, Bonnie doesn't appear in two episodes: Like many characters in the show, she suffers from.
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